Remember Quail (Bob White) ?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The locations for finding an established covey are getting harder and harder to find. Best bet is to make friends with some of the local farmers to see if they would allow a person to hunt their land. Let them know you will drop any foxes encountered, they might appreciate that and give you permission.


they built so many sub divisions they all had to move to the end of st george island..


New Member
gumbo said:
Does anyone know where they went?

I miss seeing those cute little birds.

My Grand Mother called them Bob Whites..

Was Bob White Someone famous in her time?

Every time those little birds would call each other, it sounded like Bob White or Bob Bob White..

Just thinking and missing my Grand Mother today. Thanks! :howdy:

Now you have me thinking of my Grandfather. We used to sit outside and listen to the quail and he would whistle to them and they would whistle back. Makes me sad to think these birds arent around much anymore. :bawl: