Rep. Gaetz to File Ethics Charges Against Pelosi: ‘She Destroyed Official Records’

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It is not.

It is required to be given to the Congress, which Trump did. That's why it is in the Congressional Record and the official document submitted to the National Archives.
And that is what took place when the President handed them to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate. The oral presentation by the President is not required, but who would miss such an opportunity. The packets that were handed to Pence and Pelosi are the officially mandated and constitutionally required report.


Main Streeter
And that is what took place when the President handed them to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate. The oral presentation by the President is not required, but who would miss such an opportunity. The packets that were handed to Pence and Pelosi are the officially mandated and constitutionally required report.

Okay but the official document, the one protected by law, is in the National Archives. Is also in the Congressional Record.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Okay but the official document, the one protected by law, is in the National Archives. Is also in the Congressional Record.
So, you are saying more than one copy is protected but the two that are required to be delivered aren't even considered official, is that what you are saying? Think about that for a minute.


Well-Known Member

As long as they are at each other’s throats, they are leaving us alone. I’m OK with that.
Fine, don't bitch if your drug cost are too high and roads are crumbling. I'm GTG but others from what I understand not so much.


Main Streeter
So, you are saying more than one copy is protected but the two that are required to be delivered aren't even considered official, is that what you are saying? Think about that for a minute.

I'm saying that one copy is submitted to the Clerk of the House of Representatives for the Congress who enters it into the Congressional Record. That satisfies the president's requirement to submit an annual report on the State of the Union to the Congress. The original copy is submitted by the Office of the President to the National Archives. The copies given to the VP and the Speaker (or anyone else) are their personal copies. I've already posted several links supporting my position on this in case you'd like to read them.


Well-Known Member

I don’t take drugs. Thanks for the heads-up though.
Good God, guilty conscience, stupid or are you that far out of the loop? I'm talking PRESCRIPTION drugs. :rolleyes: Remember, to vote in November, your day at the poll is the day AFTER the republican voting day, it should be on a Wednesday.
  • Haha
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Active Member
Good God, guilty conscience, stupid or are you that far out of the loop? I'm talking PRESCRIPTION drugs. :rolleyes: Remember, to vote in November, your day at the poll is the day AFTER the republican voting day, it should be on a Wednesday.


Now that is clever! Did you think of that one all on your own?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I've already posted several links supporting my position on this in case you'd like to read them.
Well those links certainly contain opinions supporting your opinion, but are they valid? Tonight I heard Rep. Kevin McCarthy say that he asked the question of the House Parliamentarian about the status of the copies given to the Speaker and the VP at the SOTU and he said that he was told that they are indeed official documents belonging to the House and Senate respectively and not personal copies. So what should we believe? As there is no case law that I can find that is anywhere similar I guess we will see if the AG is asked to opine on the matter or if the Ethics Committee reaches a decision as to the conduct of Speaker Pelosi.


Well-Known Member
Well those links certainly contain opinions supporting your opinion, but are they valid? Tonight I heard Rep. Kevin McCarthy say that he asked the question of the House Parliamentarian about the status of the copies given to the Speaker and the VP at the SOTU and he said that he was told that they are indeed official documents belonging to the House and Senate respectively and not personal copies. So what should we believe? As there is no case law that I can find that is anywhere similar I guess we will see if the AG is asked to opine on the matter or if the Ethics Committee reaches a decision as to the conduct of Speaker Pelosi.
There is no case law because no idiot ever did this before.
Before Pelosi even the Democrats would be screaming for blood over it.
her actions behind the Presidents back during the whole speech were disrectful and ignorant, the ripping up of the document was just the icing on a most ignorant action cake.


Well-Known Member
AwSchitt. Suppose Trump had scribbled 'Nancy Sucks'. That evil drunken witch wound be screaming about government records right now. Are you that naïve that you believe your own drivel? You're embarrassing yourself, but by all means, feel free to continue.:lol:


*Note to self: do NOT piss Gemma Rae off. Not unless you LIKE being on the receiving end of that.


Main Streeter
Well those links certainly contain opinions supporting your opinion, but are they valid? Tonight I heard Rep. Kevin McCarthy say that he asked the question of the House Parliamentarian about the status of the copies given to the Speaker and the VP at the SOTU and he said that he was told that they are indeed official documents belonging to the House and Senate respectively and not personal copies. So what should we believe? As there is no case law that I can find that is anywhere similar I guess we will see if the AG is asked to opine on the matter or if the Ethics Committee reaches a decision as to the conduct of Speaker Pelosi.

Well, I don't put a lot of stock in Kevin McCarthy. He's the one that, last Wednesday, grandstanded about how he was going to deliver a copy of the SOTU speech to be archived by the House Clerk. The problem, with his statement, is that the House Clerk had already received the speech and had already entered it into the Congressional Record. That just shows that McCarthy was lying or has a lack of understanding about how House procedures work. The problem, with his statement, is that the House Clerk had already received the speech and had already archived it into the Congressional Record.


Well-Known Member
Don't we (Congress) have better things to do now?
Hey, I know!!
Let's just ignore what just happened, in regards to this sham impeachment & let's REPEAT it!!

...because that's EXACTLY what they will do, if they aren't held accountable now...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The problem, with his statement, is that the House Clerk had already received the speech and had already entered it into the Congressional Record.
Actually the problem is with you and that you consistently conflate things. The Congressional Record (that you linked to earlier) is the record of the events that night and a "transcript" of the delivered remarks as well as all other proceedings that night. It was not the signed "official" document itself. The signed document is what McCarthy is seeking to preserve in addition to the transcript of the event.