Rep. Steube Sends Letter to VA Demanding Answers on Threats to Veterans Over Leftist Code on Gender Issues


PREMO Member
Townhall was also provided with the VA letter in question, addressed "Dear Veteran," which emphasizes that veterans are "a diverse group" and that "VA is committed to ensuring our community is safe, welcoming and a place that is free of harassment for all Veterans, their caregivers, volunteers, visitors, and employees."

"We thank you for honoring all those you encounter in any VA facility by treating them with dignity and respect, regardless of race; color; religion; sex; gender identity or expression; sexual orientation; age; physical or mental disability; or language," the VA letter goes on to read, with added emphasis.

"VA has a zero-tolerance policy for harassing, disruptive, abusive, or violent behavior. Harassment and sexual assault, including sexual harassment and gender-based harassment, is inappropriate conduct and will not be tolerated. Reports of inappropriate conduct are taken seriously," the letter warns. "VA will investigate and take action, if warranted, to hold the person engaging in such conduct accountable for their actions. lf the offender is a Veteran, such conduct may result in the Veteran being restricted as to the manner and location at which they can receive treatment." Emphasis is added.

Rep. Steube's letter asks for the following to be clarified within 30 days:

1. You list “gender identity or expression” as a potential basis for discrimination. Under what legal definition of discrimination have you made this determination?
2. Please list every reported incident where discrimination based upon “gender identity or expression” occurred at a VA facility.
3. You list “disruptive” behavior as a category of prohibited conduct. This is a vague and subjective standard that is rife for abuse. What is the definition of “disruptive” behavior that the VA uses in such cases?
4. Your letter threatens to restrict “the manner and location” of treatment for veterans you deem to be offensive. Please clarify how the VA will determine what restrictions to apply and how exactly they would implement that directive.
5. Finally, please detail the procedural rights afforded to a veteran accused of the prohibited conduct referenced in your November 9 letter.



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I am both a biologic and social male. My wife is both a biologic and social female.

Let the actual biology rule.