Reparations - News - Views - and Insanity


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Seminary Scrubs Founders' Names, Will Pay a Million-Plus in Reparations to Descendants of Dishwashers

A Mid-Atlantic religious school is removing its makers' monikers due to their enslaving ways. Moreover, more than a million has been piled to pass out to people because of their bloodlines.

Since 1823, Alexandria-based Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) has trained future ministers. Formerly the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, it counts among its establishers "The Star-Spangled Banner" composer Francis Scott Key. Onto other foundational history, several key figures were slave owners. The college aches to erase those elements of less-than-lauded legacy; therefore, it's re-christening the following six structures:

  • Madison Hall
  • Johns Hall
  • Meade Hall
  • Sparrow Hall
  • Moore Hall
  • Wilmer Hall

The new titles eschew eponyms for generic notions such as Communion, Descendants, Mission, and Alumni. In a press release, the school's president -- Rev. Ian S. Markham -- shuns the old art of "honoring people":

The rationale is that we focus less on honoring people and instead on honoring certain themes and recognizing our link with Canterbury (Canterbury Hall) and our location near the Potomac (Potomac Hall).

Ian has elaborated to The College Fix:

“Some of the people buildings were named after had significant associations with slavery. The decision to rename these buildings reflects the Seminary’s desire to address the legacies of slavery and racism at VTS.”

He and the Board aren't alone in their efforts. Nationwide, names are being nixed:

Nature Journal Rips America's National Park Names for Honoring 'White Supremacy'

Revolution: To Fight Racial Injustice, the US Army Will Rename Nine Historic Bases

Lady Antebellum Changes Their Name, Apologizes for Making Anyone Feel 'Unsafe'

Lincoln's Name Yanked From California School: He Didn't Prove 'Black Lives Ever Mattered' to Him

University Removes Slave-Owning Benefactor's Name, His Family Demands Their $51 Million Back

To be fair, some names are still okay:

Socialist Cafe Named for Mass Murderer Is Accused of Being a Hotbed of Harassment

George Floyd Gets His Own Exhibit - at a Holocaust Museum

BU Finds Ibram X. Kendi’s Antiracist Research Center Managed Funds Properly, Despite Turmoil

University Christens Collective Space the 'Karl Marx Group Study Room'

In the name of justice, VTS is doing more than re-dubbing buildings. In 2019, it launched the Reparations Program. A couple years later, CNN offered an update:

Between 1823 and 1951, hundreds of Black people were forced to work for little or no pay on the campus as farmers, dishwashers and cooks, among other jobs.

How they were "forced" to work in 1950 remains unclear. Regardless:

[T]he school [has] set aside $1.7 million to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves who worked on its campus.

One lucky recipient was 65-year-old Linda Johnson-Thomas.

[Her] grandfather worked at the Virginia Theological Seminary for more than a decade, first as a farm laborer before moving up to head janitor.
ntil two years ago, she had no idea [he] had been forced to work at the school...

Linda and her two sisters were the first benefactors of VTS's plan to give $2,100 annually to descendants of deceased workers.

Relatives will also be gifted "free use of amenities such as the cafeteria, coffee shop and computer lab."


Well-Known Member
If reparations were ever to be a thing, the actual institutions that benefited volunteering to pay the actual direct descendants in a proportional manner seems like a fair way to go about it.


Well-Known Member
"Linda and her two sisters were the first benefactors of VTS's plan to give $2,100 annually to descendants of deceased workers."

Wow!! This sounds like a settlement from one of those class action lawsuits where everyone gets a check for $2.17! They are getting $2,100 annually? I am quite sure this will not be the last of this particular payout. I am quite sure they will want MORE!


PREMO Member

Boston activists seeking $15B in reparations, call on 'White churches' to commit to extending wealth

The Boston Globe reported that Black and White clergy members met in Roxbury for a press conference intended to be held outside, though it was instead held in the brment of the Resurrection Lutheran Church on Saturday because of rain.

The commission was established through a 2022 Boston City Council ordinance and made up of 10 members, including two from the youth community.

In February, the Boston activists called for the city to "fully commit to writing checks" and for a $15 billion payout since the city’s wealth was built on slavery.


PREMO Member

Democrats OUTRAGE Over Tennessee Republicans Moving To BAN Funding Studying & Issuing REPARATIONS!​



PREMO Member

Black Boston Residents Say $15 Billion Reparations ISN'T ENOUGH As They Beg White Churches For Money​



PREMO Member

Black Bostonians demand more than $15billion in reparations from the city as local white churches discuss offering $50million

  • The Boston People's Reparations Commission met on Saturday
  • Reverend Kevin Peterson said 'every life is incalculable' so $15M is 'not enough'

The Boston People's Reparations Commission has demanded the city invest $15 billion in slavery reparations for the Black Bostonian community.

Over 200 members of the community gathered at a Commission meeting at the Bolling Building in Nubian Square on Saturday.

They discussed what reparations mean to them and reiterated their demand for $15billion to be invested 'monetarily and through public policy that will be in effect for Black Bostonians for generations'.

Head of the Commission Reverend Kevin Peterson told WCVB even though the group is asking for $15billion, it is 'not enough' as 'every life is incalculable.'

As well as the $15 billion requested from the City, the Commission is in talks with Boston's white churches about a possible $50 million payout.