Twenty Something
So for my "Seminar in Communication Analysis" course, we have a project coming up where we find a current political speech and do a broadcast commentary on it. This means we can't be biased, and must strictly analyze it from a critic's point of view. My professor is an open democrat (as are most of the professors here), and doesn't really seem to like Pres. Bush too much. The other day, I got together with another girl in my class and we found archives on www.whitehouse.gov that had all of Pres. Bush's speeches in text & video, which is what you need for the assignment. So I picked the speech that he gives from the USS Lincoln in 2003, where he announces major combat is over in Iraq. Today, in another Communications class, I was talking to another friend about the project and she mentioned which speech she had chosen, and although she's a big Bush supporter, she would never do a speech on him because she thinks the professor will grade down on her. This is the kind of girl who always gets the top grades in the class, so I trust her opinion...and she told me I might want to rethink my project...........but should I really change my opinion to get a better grade? I was relieved because I finally had the planning for my project done, but I really want a good grade on this...should I do what he wants and get a good grade or do what I want and risk getting something lower?