republican student with a democrat professor


Twenty Something
So for my "Seminar in Communication Analysis" course, we have a project coming up where we find a current political speech and do a broadcast commentary on it. This means we can't be biased, and must strictly analyze it from a critic's point of view. My professor is an open democrat (as are most of the professors here), and doesn't really seem to like Pres. Bush too much. The other day, I got together with another girl in my class and we found archives on that had all of Pres. Bush's speeches in text & video, which is what you need for the assignment. So I picked the speech that he gives from the USS Lincoln in 2003, where he announces major combat is over in Iraq. Today, in another Communications class, I was talking to another friend about the project and she mentioned which speech she had chosen, and although she's a big Bush supporter, she would never do a speech on him because she thinks the professor will grade down on her. This is the kind of girl who always gets the top grades in the class, so I trust her opinion...and she told me I might want to rethink my project...........but should I really change my opinion to get a better grade? I was relieved because I finally had the planning for my project done, but I really want a good grade on this...should I do what he wants and get a good grade or do what I want and risk getting something lower?


wandering aimlessly
Which means more to you, grades or beliefs?
The key to good grades anywhere is to figure out what a professor wants and spoon feed them that all year. Of course it takes no integrity to do that.


Twenty Something
bresamil said:
Which means more to you, grades or beliefs?
The key to good grades anywhere is to figure out what a professor wants and spoon feed them that all year. Of course it takes no integrity to do that.
This professor is my advisor, and I have him every semester for classes...this semester, I have him everyday. Anyway, last semester, we had these case studies as our final paper....mine was about credit card companies advertising towards teens. Should the credit card companies be the ones to blame for the debt that these teens find themselves in? Well, I wrote that the parents should be responsible for teaching good financial habits, the credit card companies can't really be held to blame.....and he didn't agree with me in the class discussion, nor on my paper...and he gave me a D. :ohwell:


New Member
bresamil said:
Which means more to you, grades or beliefs?
The key to good grades anywhere is to figure out what a professor wants and spoon feed them that all year. Of course it takes no integrity to do that.
I'd ask the prof. about it & if you don't like his answer, go ahead & spoon feed him all the BS he can swallow, get good grades and become a productive republican of society. :dance:

P.S. His party is drowning and looks like a long time before they surface
again!! :yay:


wandering aimlessly
janey83 said:
This professor is my advisor, and I have him every semester for classes...this semester, I have him everyday. Anyway, last semester, we had these case studies as our final paper....mine was about credit card companies advertising towards teens. Should the credit card companies be the ones to blame for the debt that these teens find themselves in? Well, I wrote that the parents should be responsible for teaching good financial habits, the credit card companies can't really be held to blame.....and he didn't agree with me in the class discussion, nor on my paper...and he gave me a D. :ohwell:

Okey doke. No need to worry about gaining respect, etc. I say give him what he wants and get through the class.


New Member
janey83 said:
This professor is my advisor, and I have him every semester for classes...this semester, I have him everyday. Anyway, last semester, we had these case studies as our final paper....mine was about credit card companies advertising towards teens. Should the credit card companies be the ones to blame for the debt that these teens find themselves in? Well, I wrote that the parents should be responsible for teaching good financial habits, the credit card companies can't really be held to blame.....and he didn't agree with me in the class discussion, nor on my paper...and he gave me a D. :ohwell:
After reading this post..... forget discussing anything with the loser.... Feed em BS until his eyes are brown. One way thinking effer.... :burning:


bresamil said:
Okey doke. No need to worry about gaining respect, etc. I say give him what he wants and get through the class.
:yeahthat: Worry about the dems after you graduate.


I had a liberal professor in a class. I had to write about "diversity". I wrote what he wanted to hear, turned it in got an A, took a shower and felt great about it.


Where are my pants?
Sell your soul, get the "A"...

Then when Frostburg's annual funds folks call you five years down the road asking for an Alumni "gift" to the college, explain to them that you take moral issue with funding a place of Higher Learning which promotes the snowballing of liberal propaganda through grade-based conditioning. Tell them that if that is the way they would like to run their University, they can just call one of their wealthy liberal alums (likely an oxymoron).

Additionally, you could also consider the rammifications of doing the project you WANT to do, and seeing what happens. If you're convinced it's an "A" project, and he gives you a "D" can always appeal the grade with the department head.

It's a shame you're in such a situation to begin with---good luck.


You could turn around and sue them later because you did not get a worthy education because you were too busy telling the professors what they wanted to hear.


There may be a way to save your soul and your grades, especially with the speech you selected.

That speech on the Lincoln was intended to mark the end of major combat operations and to congratulate and celabrate the work that the troops had done, and Bush did a magnificant job. But, it also showed that Bush did not have a good handle on what winning the peace was going to entail, nor that he was prepared for what was to come, which is also the truth.

I would write the peice so that it accurately reflects what the speech revealed: that the US had fought and won a major military operation, but that the Bush Administration hadn't really thought through the winning of the peace. As long as you're condeming Bush somewhere along the line, your professor will probably forget about the praise.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Club'nBabySeals said:
Sell your soul, get the "A"...
I think we're unanimous.

It's just a paper and it's good practice for you later, when you're in the workforce and have some stupid boss that doesn't like anyone who has ideas that differ from his/her own.


vraiblonde said:
I think we're unanimous.

It's just a paper and it's good practice for you later, when you're in the workforce and have some stupid boss that doesn't like anyone who has ideas that differ from his/her own.

:yeahthat: Office Politics 101

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Screw that...

...if you have the stomach for it, do a piece by Ann Coulter or somebody like her about liberal bias on college campi.

Make sure it is a speech that says specifically that professors are grading kids work down specifically because they, the prof, disagrees with the politics of students choices, right wing commentarys.

Cite supporting instances of similar allegations to support HER claims.

Cite the first amendment.

Cite academic diversity clauses from your schools student handbook.

Cite the ill effects to students health from the pressure professors put on them to be politically correct.

Cite your own personal anxiety over whether or not he will give your work a fair shake.

Be a royal pain in the ass. Start a petition. Get on TV and in local media.

Become a 'cause celebre'.

Reference SOMD forums, home of the VRWC!!!



New Member
Larry Gude said:
...if you have the stomach for it, do a piece by Ann Coulter or somebody like her about liberal bias on college campi.

Make sure it is a speech that says specifically that professors are grading kids work down specifically because they, the prof, disagrees with the politics of students choices, right wing commentarys.

Cite supporting instances of similar allegations to support HER claims.

Cite the first amendment.

Cite academic diversity clauses from your schools student handbook.

Cite the ill effects to students health from the pressure professors put on them to be politically correct.

Cite your own personal anxiety over whether or not he will give your work a fair shake.

Be a royal pain in the ass. Start a petition. Get on TV and in local media.

Become a 'cause celebre'.

Reference SOMD forums, home of the VRWC!!!

Then meet us at Toots for beer & chips!! :otter:


Larry Gude said:
...if you have the stomach for it, do a piece by Ann Coulter or somebody like her about liberal bias on college campi.

Make sure it is a speech that says specifically that professors are grading kids work down specifically because they, the prof, disagrees with the politics of students choices, right wing commentarys.

Cite supporting instances of similar allegations to support HER claims.

Cite the first amendment.

Cite academic diversity clauses from your schools student handbook.

Cite the ill effects to students health from the pressure professors put on them to be politically correct.

Cite your own personal anxiety over whether or not he will give your work a fair shake.

Be a royal pain in the ass. Start a petition. Get on TV and in local media.

Become a 'cause celebre'.

Reference SOMD forums, home of the VRWC!!!

Cite Ward Chamberlain's professions of academic immunity.


Mikeinsmd said:
Sorry Dems, I have to....

Just like a democrat to think the invitation was an entitlement...... :lmao:

:banghead: I WANT MY FREEBIES :banghead: :tantrum:
