Larry Gude said:...if you have the stomach for it, do a piece by Ann Coulter or somebody like her about liberal bias on college campi.

Larry Gude said:...if you have the stomach for it, do a piece by Ann Coulter or somebody like her about liberal bias on college campi.
vraiblonde said:
sounds like you just got a crappy professor... nothing to do with his party affiliation, hes just a crappy professorjaney83 said:Hmmm....well he knows I'm a Bush supporter because I always give my 2 cents about Bush everytime the class discussion turns towards Politics...
Today in a different class, this same professor was asking for examples about being in a situation where someone's point of view was different from everyone else's. I offered an example from my Intro to American Politics class where I was a Republican against a Democrat professor and mostly Democrat students. My teacher looked at me for a second, blinked and then nodded and went to the next person.
It sounds like he knows (but probably won't admit) that you made your point, and he probably feels guilty about that sort of grading behavior but in all likelihood won't change it.janey83 said:Hmmm....well he knows I'm a Bush supporter because I always give my 2 cents about Bush everytime the class discussion turns towards Politics...
Today in a different class, this same professor was asking for examples about being in a situation where someone's point of view was different from everyone else's. I offered an example from my Intro to American Politics class where I was a Republican against a Democrat professor and mostly Democrat students. My teacher looked at me for a second, blinked and then nodded and went to the next person.
I had a teacher in my school which one parent, when talking to claimed the same thing and insisted this is why her daughter was marked down or what ever... I had friends in her daughters class who said she never spoke (which is probably true, she never spoke in any other classes either) and the class was about debating and what not, which would be why she got low marks. I also had plenty of conservative friends in the class which recieved high marks and higher marks than most everyone else. They always got to debate, they always got to put in their two cents. The debates were structured each side got X minutes to talk then time for a rebuttle after the other side spoke... There were also a set number of times your group could talk...Bruzilla said:My youngest son is having the same problem with a teacher at his high school. The teacher is very liberal, and likes to stage debates on "vital issues of the times", which always end up being isues that are vital to Democrats such as abolishing the death penalty, outlawing abortion, continuing the AWB, etc. He never wants to debate any of these subjects outright, just wants to discuss the liberal concerns.
My son kept coming to me and asking for what he should do about this, and my direction was to spend a couple of hours each day away from playing X-Box and watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and collect information. His teacher always schedules these affairs when the topics are all over the news, so there's usually an ample amount of discussion going on for him to view, then we discuss the merits of the discussions afterwards. This way he learns about the issue and sees some different debate points to argue with.
I think he would be in the same boat as this young man, but this county is about 80% Republican, and there's no shortage of kids willing to take the Conservative point of view in the class. There's no way he can fail all of the kids, so I guess he has to make concessions.
Speaking personally, I agree 100% with Larry. You can never go wrong following your conscience.
Sparx said:What a bunch of sheep. First someone say's go for the grade and swallow your pride..(which I think is correct since she has this proffesor all day every day and it could effect more than just this class.) Then someone say's follow your beliefs and everyone goes with that...baaa..baaa
Spoiled said:I had a teacher in my school which one parent, when talking to claimed the same thing and insisted this is why her daughter was marked down or what ever...
Sparx said:What a bunch of sheep. First someone say's go for the grade and swallow your pride..(which I think is correct since she has this proffesor all day every day and it could effect more than just this class.) Then someone say's follow your beliefs and everyone goes with that...baaa..baaa
There's right and there's dead right. I think she should just write the paper her professor wants to see, take her A and move on.Bruzilla said:You can never go wrong following your conscience.
vraiblonde said:There's right and there's dead right. I think she should just write the paper her professor wants to see, take her A and move on.
What a bloomin' idiot. In case you hadn't noticed, we don't all think with the same brain. Who is this "Everyone" that is being a 'sheep'? Just because we're conservative doesn't mean we all agree on everything.Sparx said:What a bunch of sheep. First someone says go for the grade and swallow your pride..(which I think is correct since she has this professor all day every day and it could affect more than just this class.) Then someone says follow your beliefs and everyone goes with that...baaa..baaa
The problem is that Janey isn't in a position to quit her class. I mean, I suppose she could but that seems rather drastic for some stupid paper.Bruzilla said:So, when I read people giving this kid advice that they should go along to get along because they'll need that vital bit of experience in their future employment, I would like to offer some advice to the advice givers... go find a new job that likes you and that you like.![]()