Republicans deliberately not solving Border Crisis before election


Well-Known Member

Republican commentators and house and senate members are deliberately trying to keep the border crisis going until the election.

Despite having a deal on the table for funding Republicans would rather have chaos and death to make sure the issue remains at the forefront until the election.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Biden can solve it now, you blathering Tard.

Put the Trump policies back in place and the problem goes away like magic. :jet:


Well-Known Member
The bill did not solve the crisis, it just solidified it for ever. 5000/day limit is treasonous.

Well no. Considering it doesn't violate any laws and the funding bill doesnt actually say that.

Stop believing the lies of Scalise and Trump without doing any further research.

Treason is directing your followers to attack the capitol to stop the results of an election.

You should really look these words up before using them.

"The Schumer/Sinema border deal allows 5,000 illegal immigrants into our country per DAY. That’s 5,000 illegal immigrants, too many for me. Secure the border & turn them back.”
No, it doesn’t do that.
But that false claim sure is getting repeated. A lot.
And it’s getting repeated by politicians who should know better. Politicians who DO know better.
Not because they read the bill themselves (which would be way more than we should expect of them), but because people on their staffs have read the bill and know that it isn’t true."



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Well no. Considering it doesn't violate any laws and the funding bill doesnt actually say that.

Stop believing the lies of Scalise and Trump without doing any further research.

Treason is directing your followers to attack the capitol to stop the results of an election.

You should really look these words up before using them.

"The Schumer/Sinema border deal allows 5,000 illegal immigrants into our country per DAY. That’s 5,000 illegal immigrants, too many for me. Secure the border & turn them back.”
No, it doesn’t do that.
But that false claim sure is getting repeated. A lot.
And it’s getting repeated by politicians who should know better. Politicians who DO know better.
Not because they read the bill themselves (which would be way more than we should expect of them), but because people on their staffs have read the bill and know that it isn’t true."

Trump has nothing to do with the current patient in the WH or the bill written.

The current patient at the WH has the law he needs to correct his mistake on Day 1.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well no. Considering it doesn't violate any laws and the funding bill doesnt actually say that.

Stop believing the lies of Scalise and Trump without doing any further research.

Treason is directing your followers to attack the capitol to stop the results of an election.

You should really look these words up before using them.

"The Schumer/Sinema border deal allows 5,000 illegal immigrants into our country per DAY. That’s 5,000 illegal immigrants, too many for me. Secure the border & turn them back.”
No, it doesn’t do that.
But that false claim sure is getting repeated. A lot.
And it’s getting repeated by politicians who should know better. Politicians who DO know better.
Not because they read the bill themselves (which would be way more than we should expect of them), but because people on their staffs have read the bill and know that it isn’t true."

Yeah, this is a good bill. From CNN:

— New emergency authority to restrict border crossings if daily average migrant encounters reach 4,000 over a one-week span. If that metric is reached, the Homeland Security secretary could decide to largely bar migrants from seeking asylum if they crossed the border unlawfully.

If migrant crossings increase above 5,000 on average per day on a given week, DHS is required to use the authority. If encounters reach 8,500 in one day, the department is required to trigger the authority. But the federal government is limited in how long it can use the authority.

In the first year, the government can use it for 270 days, then 225 calendar days in the second year, and 180 days in the third year. The authority sunsets after three years.

— Codifies a policy that requires the government to process at least 1,400 asylum applications at ports of entry when the emergency authority is triggered.


Well-Known Member
Someone explain it to me. If it's already illegal for them to come here (not actual asylum seekers, the guys that hike through the mountains in AZ or swim the river in TX), how does this bill make it more illegal-er. If Border Patrol and ICE and a half dozen other agencies are already tasked with stopping illegal immigration, how does this bill make them better at their job? Does it forbid the feds from taking down razor wire?


Well-Known Member
Someone explain it to me. If it's already illegal for them to come here (not actual asylum seekers, the guys that hike through the mountains in AZ or swim the river in TX), how does this bill make it more illegal-er. If Border Patrol and ICE and a half dozen other agencies are already tasked with stopping illegal immigration, how does this bill make them better at their job? Does it forbid the feds from taking down razor wire?

Why don't you educate yourself by reading the bill rather than relying on biased people to explain things to you. Which is why you don't understand the issue in the first place you allow Newsmax and quotes like "5,000 illegals will invade our country daily!"


Well-Known Member
Why don't you edcuate yourself by reading the bill rather than relying onb iased people to explain things to you. Which is why you don't understand the issue in the first place you allow Newsmax and quotes like "5,000 illegals will invade our country daily!"
How very abelist of you to assume I could read and understand it to begin with. You bigot.


Well-Known Member
Which is why you don't understand the issue in the first place you allow Newsmax and quotes like "5,000 illegals will invade our country daily!"


Power with Control
So here's the language gap.

1. Nope, this will not allow 5,000 illegals a day in, becuase if it gets to 5,000 stuff happens.
2. So that means literally 4,999 a day can flood across and nothing will happen.

What am I missing?

Why does the bill have an allowable amount greater than zero? Its a freaking border, not a stadium.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Republicans deliberately not solving Border Crisis before election​

If that's the case, ha ****ing ha ha ha. Who's the President? Who is in charge of this country? Who made this mess? And then exacerbated it?

So if Republicans are letting you tards sit in the shitty diaper you made so you have to eat it come election time, again I say HA ****ING HA HA HA.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Why don't you educate yourself by reading the bill rather than relying on biased people to explain things to you. Which is why you don't understand the issue in the first place you allow Newsmax and quotes like "5,000 illegals will invade our country daily!"
Why you ignoring all your PMs? Oh..right...yr a total coward.