I've been truly blessed a few times by going to the pound and to the Humane Society. In both of the most recent cases, I was able to adopt beautiful dogs that had been abused - the first one literally thrown over the fence at tri-county in the middle of the night and the second given up to the humane society because somebody couldn't handle a dog with remodeling about to happen.
The pound provided a no-nonsense, fast track to adoption. The humane society, by commission and purpose, has a tougher screening process, but it's well worth it, because some people just don't understand they aren't suitable people for certain pets.
The first one, Lenny, is the most beautiful and intelligent mixed-breed I've ever seen. The second, Milo, is also very bright, but is definitely not playing with a full deck. For example, he loves being petted with my feet, much more than he loves being petted by hand. Anyway, both of our boys are wonderful. Lenny has been with us since 2002 and was at least 2 when we got him, and Milo joined us this year and is about 3. Lenny is slower than Milo, but still has a cold wet nose and loving eyes and he loves to play (loudly) when the time comes. Milo is always ready for anything, and will try to get you to play just like a baby does.
The thing I notice about pound puppies and humane society pups (and I suppose it's true of rescued dogs as well) is that they are grateful and anxious to please.
The same applied to a cat we rescued from an abusive owner in 1983; he (the cat) was wonderful for over 20 years, and in the end when his mind was gone, we had to put him down. I think he was grateful then, too, although it hurt us a lot for him to go.
My point is to encourage you to use multiple sources in your search, and be patient, because the "One for You" is worth the wait and will love you for life (his or hers, that is). Remember that the inconvenience of finding your ideal pet is miniscule compared to the selfless, no-conditions sacrifice, that the pet will give to join you and keep you forever.