Restraining Order


New Member
How do you secure a restraining order against somebody? Can the restraining order prohibit distribution of digital materials?


New Member
PJumper said:
How do you secure a restraining order against somebody? Can the restraining order prohibit distribution of digital materials?

Go to the Commissioner’s Office in your county. They will answer any questions there you may have.


New Member
PJumper said:
How do you secure a restraining order against somebody? Can the restraining order prohibit distribution of digital materials?
Sheriffs Dept. And No. Paris and Pamela Sex tapes ring any bells?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
PJumper said:
How do you secure a restraining order against somebody?
I think you just go down to the court house and file a complaint with a restraining order. Seems to me it's pretty easy to do and not really a huge legal deal.

As far as the pics go, I think it's one of those "they can't get in trouble for it until they do it" type of things. Then if he publishes those pictures, you can sue him in civil court.

But not 100% sure. Ken King will come along and give you all the nitty gritty here shortly.


curiouser and curiouser
kwillia said:
I'm confused... can I or can't I put K_Jo's "without make-up" picture on the internet...:confused:
Really Kwillia, wouldn't that be more appropriate in the colon cleansing thread? :ohwell:


All Up In Your Grill
kwillia said:
I'm confused... can I or can't I put K_Jo's "without make-up" picture on the internet...:confused:

What about that pic of Smooth at Tiki?


  • pride.2005.jpg
    117.6 KB · Views: 182


New Member
PJumper said:
How do you secure a restraining order against somebody? Can the restraining order prohibit distribution of digital materials?
PM me the pictures and I'll tell you if they fit the criteria to be covered under a restraining order.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Is it there and not the court house?

I believe either one. Sheriffs dept enforces it. I'll have to check with my informant. :biggrin: Pretty sure M had at least one written and granted without going to courthouse.


aka Mrs. Giant
Barbra said:
Temporary Peace and Protective Orders are issued by a judge in the District Court during normal business hours. After hours, orders can be obtained through the District Court Commissioner in the Detention Center. The DCC will issue an Interim Order w/ a date for a Temporary hearing to be held in the District Court. If the judge in the District Court grants the Temporary Order, a date will be given for a Final hearing. If the judge grants the Final Order, Protective Orders are generally valid for one year from the date of Final hearing and Peace Orders are generally valid for six months from the date of the Final hearing.

Protective Orders can be obtained from the Circuit Court during normal business hours, but those generally pertain to issues where children are primarily involved.

The Petitioner (person who applied for the order) gets a copy of the order. Two copies of the order are given to the Sheriff's Office. One is the Sheriff's Office copy, which we keep on file, and one is the Respondent's copy (person who the order is against). A Deputy will serve the order or we will Non-Est it if not served and the Return of Service is returned to the court before the hearing. If the Respondent lives in another county or out of state, a copy of the order will be faxed or mailed to the proper jurisdiction for attempt at service. The Return of Service when returned to us served or Non-Est (not served) is faxed or mailed back to us and is then returned to the court before the hearing.

Any questions?

Does it involve a jury of your peers? :bubble:


New Member
migtig said:
Does it involve a jury of your peers? :bubble:

Thanks for all the info. I'm not that with the legal system 'cause I've never had to deal with it before. There's no violence involve, just a couple of adults harrassing and threatening(blackmailing some minors). I have confronted the adults before but they act more childish that the kids themselves.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Barbra said:
Sounds like more a Peace Order type situation (parties don't appear to be related). However, I don't know if what is occurring necessitates a Peace Order. This could probably be handled through Community Mediation.
After seeing what it is about I don't think it will qualify for a protective order, maybe a no-tresspassing order would be more in line with keeping these people away from one another.