Revamping the Civil Service

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by IM4Change
I knew that question was going to come up. I actually have my eye on the ball, and that ball is a bigger and higher paying job. The job I want is a $6,000 raise in the door and more than 10K the first year. I needed my B.S. degree for that job (I just finished in May 03) and considering 15% of those positions are retiring in July, I think I'll have a good shot. I am top of the list, so I don't want to walk away from the 15 years I already have vested.
Good luck and I hope that the state fills those vacating positions. With the budget strain it wouldn't surprise me to see them let them go vacant and farm out the work to the lower paid staff. Just hate to see you get stuck on a sinking ship.


Originally posted by Heretic
From what I have seen there are just as many contractors that take advantage of their company as there are government workers. One example is a fellow that always put down overtime that he never actually worked....he got caught twice and the company didnt fire him, they just moved him to a different area on base.


Something similar happened where I work. The guy didn't cheat, he just did the absolute minimum. Within two weeks he had another job on base.
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