Whatever staggers my mind? You're the one standing on a story being told from a delusional middle eastern man that was jailed and held captive and likely hallucinating from dehydration when he "saw" his revelations.
But, hey, we'll find out sooner or later won't we?
Ok... let's put this in CNN everyday language....
I do believe that John, a middle eastern man was held captive for his refusal to stop claiming that Jesus was the Messiah. I do believe that John, a middle eastern man, walked with Jesus when he was feeding thousands of people with no budget. I do believe that John, a middle eastern man was held captive because he refused to give up on the idea that his friend Jesus healed the sick and brought people back from the dead.
I do believe that John, a middle eastern man, was held captive because he kept saying that Jesus, after being hung on a cross by the Romans [at the request of the Jewish leadership] and after being declared dead and laid in a borrowed tomb, sealed and guarded.... was alive and walking around three days later. I do believe that it was reported on the day John's friend Jesus, was executed, there was a horrible earthquake and simultaneous eclipse of the sun. I also believe that numerous people reported seeing not only John's friend Jesus, but others who were entombed, walking and talking three days after the day of the earthquake and eclipse.
Some non-believers claim that John was just delusional due to hydration when he wrote Revelation. I believe John had a vision from God. People from other religions have been said to have had visions. Some say that people of American Indian descent have had visions. So it's entirely possible that John had a vision from God.
Now, regarding the Mountain vs. the Volcano..... it says that John reported hearing a trumpet. The Shofar [trumpet] was used to warn the nation. So he heard a warning horn. I know you've heard the emergency sirens. They test them all the time in Calvert County. People in Europe heard them all the time during the two world wars. John was not familiar with sirens.... but he described the siren as an angelic trumpet.... that makes sense to me.
I read in the previous verse that something feel from the sky, probably a small piece of space trash or parts of a meteor, that fell from the sky and took out a third of the trees and all of the grass. That seems highly possible. John wouldn't have been familiar with Napalm either. Maybe what he's describing could be Napalm... right?
Then we read here that something as big as a mountain falls from the sky and it falls into the sea. A meteor the size of the mountain is entirely plausible. We are warned all the time that meteors come close to the earth all the time.
This can't be a volcano according to Johns description. Volcano's don't fall from the sky. Volcano's form when there are cracks in the earth's crust.
I believe that God created everything.... the whole universe... the whole system of galaxies.... Given this.... I believe that what John is probably describing here is a meteor the size of a mountain hitting a large body of water. I believe John is doing his best to describe a vision of a natural disaster that he cannot comprehend let alone find the words to describe.
A while back I warned that we should not get lost in the minutia of these verses.... now I'm also reminding myself to look at the verses as God inspired.... that means... anything is possible.... God took out Sodom with what appeared to be a meteor shower.... now, according to John's description, God is taking out the earth with a growing meteor hit. First a shower that takes out the trees, then a meteor that lands in the sea, and in the next verses... a larger meteor that takes out the rivers and springs.
John, a man of middle eastern descent, and a friend of Jesus, who was crucified on the same day of a horrible earthquake and eclipse of the sun, claims to have had a vision of a major event. I'd give it some credence, if CNN reported it today....