This is just a sad but, pretty thought out, read;
There are some links IN the story worth pursuing as well if you haven't had your fill of this horror. They cover, in good detail, why RGIII struggles so much and why, seemingly, he's fallen so far after a great '12. He hasn't fallen. That season was simply tailor made for his limited, but explosive, skill set, skills he simply has no longer with the injuries.
The gist is that the only way RGIII is here next year is if someone like SF Harbaugh ends up as the Skins coach which means a whole other horror of yet another coaching fiasco and THAT, I really can't see. Not after one year. Not now.
So, the piece argues for 10 teams that are potential next places for #10 and each and everyone is a sad, sad argument and, at the end, it really makes NO sense for anyone. There simply is no argument to be made that Robert is a good move for anyone. If you accept that he is so fundamentally poor and that another serious injury is very likely and sooner rather than later, it simply makes no sense for anyone to even invest in a year simply because that year could go to some other young kid to see what they have with none of the down side.
This kids career is, basically, over.