Riding in SM


New Member
How is it for riding motorcycles in Southern Maryland? When I moved to Houston in August that is one thing I really missed. Six lane bumper to bumper traffic is just to much for a motorcycle. Until you get 2 hours outside of the city you have to deal with this.


:howdy: Actually there are alot of ppl who ride in the SOMD area. As soon as the weather breaks you will see alot of bikes on the road. You don't have to worry about traffic around here for the most part unless it's during rush hour. The island attracts alot of bike traffic cuz of the view. Have fun


About the only time you have to worry about traffic is during rush hour and that's only if someone gets stupid and has an accident on the bridge. If you live across the bridge you might as well turn the bike around and go up to Hughsville and head across the other bridge. Or shutdown and wait. :shrug: Been there and done this.


New Member
Depends on what kind of riding you like to do. Cruising around or a quick sunday stroll, it's pretty good. If you like carving serious corners, not so good. In that case, you can head about 2 hours west and you'll be in some of the best riding areas you can find. WV is just awesome.


New Member
Welcome to So. Md.

There are alot of great places to ride in the tri-county area (Charles, St. Mary's and Calvert). I like to travel the back roads, especially when I am traveling from Chalres to St. Mary's. There are lots of ways of getting around without taking the major routes. Also, if you check out a web site called vtwinbiker.com you can see all the rides and clubs in this area. I just read there is a Spring poker run at Apehangers this Saturday, hopefully, weather permitting!

Welcome. Ride hard and be Safe!


24/7 Single Dad
Check out the Southern CruisersThere are 2 active chapters in the area, Mattawoman and Pax River.
Pax is mostly the older "Goldwing" crowd. :lol:
There is an informative motorcycle forum on here
What type of bike do you have?


New Member
I have a Honda Shadow VLX 600. Great can't wait, I should have my bike there by July hopefully!


New Member
Like any other city areas, you have to lookout for the cars and trucks...because they are not looking out for you...
I ride every day to work, rain or shine, almost 70 miles round trip...the only time I don't ride is when there is ice on the ground...or the wife tasks me with more groceries my bike can carry...
The secret is heated gloves...awesome...I can't say enough about them...
Have fun and keep the shiny side up!