Right to keep and bear arms for Maryland

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Has anyone noticed that Bruzilla...

...is too busy saving up pennies to answer my simple little, humble question?


Larry Gude said:
...what about Taylor?

Sorry Larry... I had to get back to my thrilling new job. However, let me don my official Florida judge's gown and tell you that I have no idea of how long he could get since I'm neither a lawyer or a judge, nor do I get too involved with criminals. If he is convicted of brandishing a weapon only, he can get up to five years. If he gets convicted of assault (which is what he was actually doing) he can get up to 15 years.

My guess of one year is based on my only contact with someone who was convicted of wrongfully displaying a weapon got six months. But that's likely to change since that pinhead kid got blasted by the cops a couple of weeks ago, so now displaying a weapon is looked upon more seriously. So, I'll stand by my guess of one year.


ylexot said:
Here's my story...I decided which gun I wanted to get (Beretta 92FS Vertec) and went about trying to find one. I tried the Tackle Box...their USED guns cost more than a new gun should cost! Plus, the owner is a jerk. That was also when I got the introduction to MD gun laws...got to watch a "gun safety" video ($)...new guns must come with a fired round from the manufacturer (ballistic fingerprinting)...new guns made after Jan 1, 2001 (I think that's the year) must have an internal trigger lock (there were only 5 guns ON THE PLANET that met that requirement at the time). Bottom line, when I actually did find the gun that I wanted and met the requirements (not many Vertecs before the deadline for trigger locks), it cost $200 more than if you bought the same gun in a less restrictive state. Screw that...went for a used one. Finally found one online that was slightly used and made before the trigger lock cut-off date. Found the closest transfer agent (in Cobb Island...~1.5 hours away), coordinated with him, and bought it. Gun shows up, I go look at the gun, fill out paperwork, and go home. A few days later, I get to make the trip all over again to pick up the gun.

I feel your pain brother! I bought an L1-A1 at a gunshow in Pikesville and the gun shop was in Northeast, MD, about 10 miles from the Delaware border. I had to drive my ass all the way up there and back to pick it up, or I could have it sent to Cobb Island and go through another waiting period.

I liked that guy on Cobb Island a lot. He did several transfers for me, and for an ex-Air Force guy he wasn't bad.


Larry Gude said:
...is too busy saving up pennies to answer my simple little, humble question?

Gee Larry... I had no idea your life so revolved around me getting back to you. You poor thing! I promise that from now on I will check the forums more often during work and see if you need that little bit 'o sunshine that my posts put in your life. :razz:


willie said:
When I bought a Ruger P944T I was told military service "Cleared" you and the only other requirement was the wait period. In '05 I bought 2 handguns without much problem.

I think that the military service deal only applies to the mandatory firearms safety training class. I always took a copy of my DD214 when I went gun shopping. If you show that to the dealer he/she knows you are exempt.

But that stupid class is another problem I had forgotten about. Man... I sure don't miss MD.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
My BIL has his FFL, and he is located in St. Mary's. FYI
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New Member
Larry Gude said:
...can you enlighten me, as a Floridian knowledgeable about guns and the law, what is my boy Shawn Taylor gonna actually get?

I understand correctly he's facing MANDATORY time for brandishing and I don't see how he gets out of mandatory.

I have seen a lot of speculating on this topic, one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is his ability to plead the case down to a lesser charge, one that does not include any mandatory sentence...


Cletus_Vandam said:
I have seen a lot of speculating on this topic, one thing everyone seems to be forgetting is his ability to plead the case down to a lesser charge, one that does not include any mandatory sentence...

Florida law has a tag to all offenses for displaying a weapon. He may be able to plead down from an assault charge to a threatening charge to a civil disturbance charge, but the displaying a weapon charge will still be a rider to the felony or midemeanor charge, and that's where the time requirement comes in.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bruzilla said:
Gee Larry... I had no idea your life so revolved around me getting back to you. You poor thing! I promise that from now on I will check the forums more often during work and see if you need that little bit 'o sunshine that my posts put in your life. :razz:

...about damn time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bruzilla said:
Florida law has a tag to all offenses for displaying a weapon. He may be able to plead down from an assault charge to a threatening charge to a civil disturbance charge, but the displaying a weapon charge will still be a rider to the felony or midemeanor charge, and that's where the time requirement comes in.

...if I read your tea leaves, it sounds to you like he's gonna have to do some time?


Larry Gude said:
...if I read your tea leaves, it sounds to you like he's gonna have to do some time?

The tea leaves and chicken bones are reading that way, the question is really what the associated charge is and if he's found guilty. Not many prosecutors have had much luck getting convictions on celebrities, especially NFL players... Ray Lewis for example. :eyebrow: