Riot at Indiana Pacers and Detroit Pistons Game!


Dancing Up A Storm
Geez, I tuned in ESPN and all they were talking about/showing videos, was about a game-ending, full scale riot at the Pacers' arena.

Just about all the players, and a bunch of fans got into it.

Anybody else seen it yet?


Well-Known Member
Penn said:
Geez, I tuned in ESPN and all they were talking about/showing videos, was about a game-ending, full scale riot at the Pacers' arena.

Just about all the players, and a bunch of fans got into it.

Anybody else seen it yet?

Yeah, they even had a slow-mo version with arrows and commentary.


Dancing Up A Storm
It's only my opinion, but it seems Pro Sports is administering black eyes to itself lately with the Steroid use among baseball players, this past Monday Nights' Football pre-game intro, and now this melee.

Oh yeah, the NHL is still on strike or something, right?

I was gonna mention the Redskins, but I didn't want to anger anyone. They're kind touchy about that around here! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think, when players get out of control like that, they should be fired. Not suspended, not have to sit out a game or two - FIRED. The end. Back to the ghetto with you, punk.

Then there's the "fans". :rolleyes: Throwing crap and jumping out on the court. They should all be rounded up and gassed.


Dancing Up A Storm
Later on in the morning, one ESPN reporter was commenting that maybe alcohol - beer/wine that is served there, may have contributed to the melee.

He said that possibly alcoholic beverages should be banned from these venues.

This isn't the first time buzzed-up sports fans have made fools of themselves; some idiot attacked a Kansas City firstbase coach during a game this last summer.:duh:

I also think there are going to be just a few lawsuits filed over this.


Well, I just can't wait to see when the piston's come to the pacer's home on the 22nd (?). It should be interesting.

And here all night I was watching Showtime for it's friday night boxing... and I was missing the real life action without gloves at the basketball game :banghead:

Yes, even though I'm a girl, I follow boxing too, my brother and I were coached in boxing, had our own speedbags growing up and gloves and training manuals. My parents had given up on curing our fighting so they tried to make it safer and bought me and my older brother boxing gloves. Eventually I got soo good at it, my brother was placing $$ bets on me winning against the neighborhood boys (his friends)... :ohwell:

But still, I thingk as grown adults, you should be able to handle your differences more diplomatically other than fighting and that is why I'm saddened every time there is a war. :frown:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Penn said:
He said that possibly alcoholic beverages should be banned from these venues.
I am capable of having a beer at a ballgame without throwing it at the players and causing a riot. So is Larry. I know because we've done it many times. Instead of punishing everyone, why not just punish the offenders by arresting them and charging them with disorderly conduct and assault? Thoy make enough money to hire adequate security.

Honestly, there was time when I loved to go see hockey, baseball, the Skins, wrestling. But you couldn't pay me nowadays to go to a sporting event.


vraiblonde said:
I am capable of having a beer at a ballgame without throwing it at the players and causing a riot. So is Larry. I know because we've done it many times. Instead of punishing everyone, why not just punish the offenders by arresting them and charging them with disorderly conduct and assault? Thoy make enough money to hire adequate security.

:yeahthat: what about the other 99% of the crowd that was drinking responsibly... I too think that "thoy" make enough money to hire adequte security!!! :yeahthat:



New Member
I don't think there is such a thing as 'adequate' security in a situation like that. Many arenas have been force to cover the visitors entrance to prevent beer showers. The social contract mandating that people behave themselves in public has been steadily eroding for many years now. This should surprise no one. Especially the fact that Artest doesn't retaliate against Ben Wallace but attacks a fat white four eyes half his size.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bogart said:
The social contract mandating that people behave themselves in public has been steadily eroding for many years now.
Ain't that the truth. It's like back in the wild west days or something, like we're going backward instead of forward.

Why do you suppose that is? Is there some reward in poor behavior? Are people just so angry these days that they can't control themselves?


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
Ain't that the truth. It's like back in the wild west days or something, like we're going backward instead of forward.

Why do you suppose that is? Is there some reward in poor behavior? Are people just so angry these days that they can't control themselves?
The mantra was, and probably still is: It's bush's fault.


Dancing Up A Storm
ESPN just announced that R. Artest, M. Jackson, J. O'Neal and Ben Davis have all been suspended indefinitely by the NBA Commisioner.

They should have probably all been fired as vrai says.


I bowl overhand
Penn said:
Later on in the morning, one ESPN reporter was commenting that maybe alcohol - beer/wine that is served there, may have contributed to the melee.

He said that possibly alcoholic beverages should be banned from these venues.

This isn't the first time buzzed-up sports fans have made fools of themselves; some idiot attacked a Kansas City firstbase coach during a game this last summer.:duh:

I also think there are going to be just a few lawsuits filed over this.

FANS were the problem?? I didn't see a single fan throw a punch... I think the NBA needs to get serious about their punishment and PERMANENTLY suspend players form the NBA.. see how these spoiled brats fare with NO income!! SECONDLY, I think at least TWO of the players should have been led out of there in Handcuffs.. there were cops there, they SAW the punches fly, the assaults happen, why wasn't anybody arrested??


Dancing Up A Storm
itsbob said:
FANS were the problem?? I didn't see a single fan throw a punch... I think the NBA needs to get serious about their punishment and PERMANENTLY suspend players form the NBA.. see how these spoiled brats fare with NO income!! SECONDLY, I think at least TWO of the players should have been led out of there in Handcuffs.. there were cops there, they SAW the punches fly, the assaults happen, why wasn't anybody arrested??
Whoa! Didn't you see the "fans" throwing drinks, bottles, and other solid articles I couldn't make out; however, one looked like a shoe or a boot go flying in the direction of the players.

Sure, the players actually started the mess, but the fans did their part too.

After repeated video replays, I stopped counting the number of cups of beer
I saw being poured on the players as they were trying to leave the arena.

I also saw Ron Artest go after, and throw a punch at a fan that wasn't even involved with the riot. Some lanky white dude in glasses who happened
to be standing in the same area as the guy who had doused Artest with a beer earlier.

I'm thinking Artest is going to have at least one major suit brought against him, and I'd seriously consider banning him from the game for life. In his brief career in the NBA, I've seen him throw some serious intentional fouls at opposing players.(Wasn't he suspended prior to this season for that already?)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
FANS were the problem?? I didn't see a single fan throw a punch...
The whole brouhaha started because a fan threw a beer at Artest after that foul. Looked to me like it was settling down, then the beer flew and Artest jumped into the stands. "Fans" started coming onto the court and that's when it started breaking loose.

They might not have been throwing punches but they were throwing everything else. Drinks, popcorn and all kinds of stuff. One of the guys who got punched in the head was complaining on Fox and I'm like, "Hello? If you'd been in your seat instead of coming onto the court, you wouldn't have gotten smacked." :rolleyes:

Anyway, these guys get paid millions of dollars. If they get upset at being cussed and get a beer tossed on them, oh well. Suck it up, lightweight. All that money buys a lot of therapy and drycleaning.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Why not just do what they do at hardcore redneck bars, place a barrier between the fans and the players. It might have to be of the strength of chainlink versus chickenwire and electrofying it might be fun too. Market it as the "fan-zapper". :lmao:


Ken King said:
Why not just do what they do at hardcore redneck bars, place a barrier between the fans and the players. It might have to be of the strength of chainlink versus chickenwire and electrofying it might be fun too. Market it as the "fan-zapper". :lmao:

:yeahthat: chicken wire like in the Blues Brothres... :lol:

Actually, I hate to say it but I think the fan deserved it... He should not have thrown something at Artest if he didn't expect Artest to fight back... he was stuck in some sort of stupid logic... I'm the fan, I can do what I want... Artest set it straight... fan or not... you throw something at me, I'll throw a punch at you... but then again I thought it was all entertaining to watch, :boxing: but then I saw all the kids in the audiance crying and it was a bad example to set in front of kids. :ohwell: As for walking to their locker room... maybe give them umbrellas :shrug: :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Ron Artest is gone for the remainder of the season!

The NBA Commisioners' Office has apparently banned/suspended him for the rest of the schedule.

Eight others will receive lesser suspensions.

It was just on Fox News.

Wow! :shocking:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't think that's right. Maybe a few games for not controlling himself, but not the rest of the season. The "fans" were the biggest catalysts in the whole thing - THEY should be suspended. Like, in jail or something.