Riot at Indiana Pacers and Detroit Pistons Game!


New Member
Banned from the NBA

I say the idiots that went into the stands, after the fans, should be banned forever. Not allowed to play in the NBA again. I have more tolerance for the guys that stayed on the court.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
SoMDGuy1980 said:
Suspensions are the punishments that the NBA can dole out; assault charges will be sorted out and filed by the civil authorities. The prosecutors in Detroit are reviewing tapes and will file charges, but it may take a week or so to sort out and get the evidence together.
And for the NBA players to make the donations to the State's Attorney re-election fund.


Dancing Up A Storm
You know I just had to check out ESPN this morning, and it was reported that David Stern, NBA Commisioner, stated he had to take into account the previous suspensions of Ron Artest when he was deciding what/how much and how long a suspension he would levy on him.

Artest, it turns out, has been suspended 6 times previously in his young career.

Dick Vitale, ex-coach and college game announcer, said the guy needs to attend a serious Anger Management class.
Is that an understatement? :duh:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sprewell... 68 games for choking his coach.

This stuff is simple.

They've already identified the guy who threw the first cup at Artest.

Artest gets a year, which I think is appropriate as long as he earns not one dime from his basketball contract for the duration of the suspension. He cannot launch into the seats like that.

Now, we need an appropriate punishment for Mr. Beer toss and everyone who got in on the fun.

How about public identification, like Artest, and ???

We have the technology to identify trouble makers in crowds. Punish people enough and it will pretty much stop.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
If my office mate stood up and threw his laptop at me, and I proceeded to kick his butt we'd both be out of work by this afternoon.... and after all, all we are talking about here is a plastic cup with a little beer in it.
You are not a professional athlete with competitive aggression coursing through your veins. These guys don't get paid to sit at a desk. They get paid to run around a court/field and get physical with other players.


New Member
JohnnyRebel said:
Maybe the fan should have thrown some chitlins or collards greens!IM pretty sure that the athelete has a back ground of violence any way. They will take that into consideration,when the fan sues him for all he is worth lmao
Who keeps giving you green karma, you real identity? :confused:


Dancing Up A Storm
According to the Police Chief up there, they are reviewing a slew of videotapes, mostly from the sport cameras, but there are other local tapes that have been turned in to them, and they will show the fans as well as the players who were at fault.

The fans ain't gonna get off free on this one.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Everyone take a seat because this may be a bit much to take...

...but Mr. Beer Toss the game...on...probation...for...can I say it? FELONY ASSAULT and DWI offenses.

I know, I know, it's a shocker but, we have to face facts. People that suck...suck.

Looks like everyone but the chair and fist throwers is gonna get misdemeanors out of this for assaulting a fellowing human with beer, soda and popcorn.

The sad truth:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
In support of Artest... watching the video UP TO when he launched into the stands:

His foul on Wallace was not all that bad as far as NBA flagrant fouls go.

When Wallace gave him a pretty good shot to the face in retaliation, Artest backed off, totally.

He is NOT excused in any way for what he did after the cup hit him. I am only stating that prior to that he was not doing anything outrageous and in fact was behaving properly.

Having said that I'd ban him for life.


Football season!
interesting, ABC catches flack for showing the bare back of a woman, yet a video of people throwing beer and beating the crap out of each other keeps getting played over and over and over on all the networks :confused:
Thankfully we're getting back to more wholesome programming! :cheers:


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said: watching the video UP TO when he launched into the stands:

His foul on Wallace was not all that bad as far as NBA flagrant fouls go.

When Wallace gave him a pretty good shot to the face in retaliation, Artest backed off, totally.

He is NOT excused in any way for what he did after the cup hit him. I am only stating that prior to that he was not doing anything outrageous and in fact was behaving properly.

Having said that I'd ban him for life.

Except when he laid on the scorers table.. many sensed that he was inciting the crowd with his show of disrespect, and many, to include his manager, told him to get up that he was in fact inciting the crowd.. he chose to ignore them