RIP Larry Gude


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kicked over on Easter morning of lung cancer. Which is ironic (the Easter part) because he always wanted to literally live forever, be cryogenically frozen so they could revive him when they discovered how to make immortality happen.

Anyway, I know some of you knew him (argued with him) on here. Just wanted to give everyone the update.


Well-Known Member
Kicked over on Easter morning of lung cancer. Which is ironic (the Easter part) because he always wanted to literally live forever, be cryogenically frozen so they could revive him when they discovered how to make immortality happen.

Anyway, I know some of you knew him (argued with him) on here. Just wanted to give everyone the update.
Yeah, saw Alex's posts on Saturday and yesterday. Quite the character, always made me laugh.

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
Sorry to hear this.
We had a few discussions about music, instruments and gardening way back when.
I remember giving him some advice on recording and such.
He had a few tips for my garden projects.
Seemed like somebody I could jive with in the wild.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Larry and I became friends IRL not that long after he'd stopped posting here. Operating in something of a daze since losing my son last September, I hadn't noticed that Larry had stopped polluting my FB threads, those that had any political bent, with his own brand of political philosophy...always a specialty of his.

I was always proud of the fact that I negotiated the "driveway from hell" at his place, on my Harley dresser. If I'd lost control, I never woulda heard the end of it.

RIP Larry. Sorry for your loss Lorraine.


I am so very blessed
Yeah, I saw A's post about Larry's passing. I am so sorry. He was a wise guy with a loud mouth, and that combination can be insufferable, but yet still very loveable. (Ask me how I know @itsbob).

Anyway, we had a great time up at his place in M'town, showing us the literal stream that ran through his basement, his old stone home, and the luscious grounds of the place. He will be missed.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Also sorry to hear this, he made you think about things when your positions differed and he didn’t have so much ego that he wouldn’t change his position if you convinced him. Some people just dig in harder


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I only met him IRL once - at a NYE party one of the forumites had in 2010. We played drunk Trivial Pursuit, (I think?) That was before drunk karaoke, I think. (the Things had gone to their dad's for the holidays -so Bann was letting her hair down! 😁) Yes, Larry sure was an insufferable B to argue politics on here, but he was super nice to me in person at that party.

RIP Larry. Cancer just sucks and is a crappy way to go.


Well-Known Member
I respected what he had to say...never met him in person,...but probably could have shared a decent camp fire with him...roaming across a range of issues.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also sorry to hear this, he made you think about things when your positions differed and he didn’t have so much ego that he wouldn’t change his position if you convinced him. Some people just dig in harder

I had to laugh at that because I've never known anyone who dug in harder than Larry, even after he was stone cold busted wrong. :lmao: Grace was not one of his virtues. Here's what was:

He had the best sense of humor - smart funny, quick and clever. You had to have something on the ball to get it. People who weren't all that sharp were left in the dust.

He had excellent retention and recall. He remembered everything and could whip it out when you least expect it and tie it into whatever unrelated thing you were talking about. All over the place free associating, freaking HILARIOUS. How he posted on here? That's how he talked. :lol:

He was never boring. Like, ever. I don't recall a single time in our 10 year marriage when I found him boring. Annoying, yes. An insufferable ass, many times. But never boring. He was always a great conversationalist, very social, and the life of every party. Even at home he was always engaged and thinking about something that he couldn't wait to tell you about.

Every morning at 6am he would bring me a cup of coffee in bed, then wait impatiently for me to get my eyes open and my brain engaged. Once he saw signs of coherence, he'd blast me with discussion about whatever was going on in the news because he'd been up for a couple hours at that point, and was practically wriggling with the need to have a live audience for his opinions and get feedback.

He wasn't afraid to try new things. I insisted on us taking dance classes, bribing him with beer and dinner downtown. So a little known fact about him: he could tango. And foxtrot. And swing dance. And waltz. Quite well.

He cried at sappy movies. Here's this 6'3" 250 lb hairy biker guy crying over The Notebook. And Steel Magnolias. And Saving Private Ryan. And Up.

He was a big personality, meant for the limelight. He always wanted to be on stage and his Walter Mitty fantasy was to have his own TV talk show. He played guitar on stage solo or as a band member many many times, but he really wanted a talk show.

I'm sure his funeral will be an excellent party :yay:


Well-Known Member
In memory of Larry, I'm going to use the incorrect past tense of the verb "lead" in the following sentence:

"I tried to lead Larry to correct usage of "led" as the past tense of "lead", but he refused to be lead."
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