Road Rage

Petter Solberg

New Member
How many experience it or are part of the problem? I can't stand the term "road rage", but it does seem like an ongoing occurrence in my daily commute to work. How do you handle it? Do ya always shrug it off when it entails your being cut off? I loathe being cut off by the typical stunna posed driver.
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Routinely Derailed
I ALWAYS get upset when cut off. But I do nothing about it. The worst situation when being cut off, is when the person doing it just drifts over in front of me with no direction signals or anything, and expects me to yield the road space to him or her.

Anger impairs my judgement and makes me dangerous when behind the wheel. So I hold it back until I'm off the road.


professional daydreamer
I mostly swear when I'm driving. My daughter, on the cell phone in the passenger seat, "Oh, that's just my mom. She's driving". Occasionally I wave with one finger.


I blow the horn continuously and get within inches of their bumper and turn on my high beams. When they freak and get out of the way I get in front of them and throw a handfull of nickels or 1/4 inch ball bearings in the air. Sometimes I use the Roadrage 5000 rapid fire paint ball gun and I spray their car with neon lime green paintball splats.


professional daydreamer
Pete said:
I blow the horn continuously and get within inches of their bumper and turn on my high beams. When they freak and get out of the way I get in front of them and throw a handfull of nickels or 1/4 inch ball bearings in the air. Sometimes I use the Roadrage 5000 rapid fire paint ball gun and I spray their car with neon lime green paintball splats.

I was wondering what was up with the lime green paint...thought it was a new fad. :shrug:


New Member
Petter Solberg said:
How many experience it or are part of the problem? I can't stand the term "road rage", but it does seem like an ongoing occurrence in my daily commute to work. How do you handle it? Do ya always shrug it off when it entails your being cut off? I loathe being cut off by the typical stunna posed driver.
I speed up & do a pit manuver on the bastard. When he's done spinning, I ram his door with my truck. If he takes off, I chase him at high speeds, waving a gun at him. When I catch em, I force em off the road, through the woods and into a stream.

I have no problem with those road rage idiots. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I have a friend and an adult daughter that have serious cases of road rage but they don't know it. They both feel perfectly justified in what they do. Left lane hogs deserve to be followed at 3' doing 70 mph and why let anyone merge? I'm as late to work as they are.

What is "the typical stunna posed driver"?


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I have to say, the road does not typically evoke rage in me. Other than the occasion where someone endagers the lives of my girls, I face the fact that I can do nothing about it. I wish I could have as much control in other areas, but, then, again, sometimes I am glad that I have the passion reserved for other things...:shrug:... choosing my battles as they say...


24/7 Single Dad
I can appreciate a skilled driver out manuvering me, but I don't mind waking up the semi-aware with my horn and I will attempt to block those who feel they they are to good to use turn signals during lane changes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not a road rager. I've made driving errors before, either just because I didn't see the other car or for whatever reason, so I'm pretty forgiving of other drivers. I'm also not a competitive driver in that I want to be ahead of other cars or want to race them at an exit.


aps45819 said:
I can appreciate a skilled driver out manuvering me, but I don't mind waking up the semi-aware with my horn and I will attempt to block those who feel they they are to good to use turn signals during lane changes.

:yeahthat: I am with you on that one. And I also will not allow the person racing up in the right lane and thinks he will jump in front of me because he is closing in on the slow driver. Let him wait his turn like the rest of us.


Lovin' being Texican
What I hate are the people who race ahead of a line-up waiting to pull off at an exit, then they try to force themselves into the line by crossing the double-white lines just in front of the exit sign. I guess it's the combination SUV-Chromasomes that makes them so (choose your adjective).


I haven't had problems with road rage either. Now, I have yelled profanities in my car, and there are times I wish I had an amplifier system, then I could push a button and (*(*&^*&*& at them.


Well-Known Member
Based on the stunts I have seen pulled on the roadways, easy to see why "Road Rage" is becoming prevalent.

I honestly believe some drivers are oblivious to there surroundings on the highway. While others are very much aware, but have a desire to perform stupid human driving tricks.

Not sure which is more dangerous?

We are becoming a "distracted" society, and nowhere is that more evident then on the road.


24/7 Single Dad
Kizzy said:
I haven't had problems with road rage either. Now, I have yelled profanities in my car, and there are times I wish I had an amplifier system, then I could push a button and (*(*&^*&*& at them.
:lmao: Once had a CB radio that had PA built in, just had to add a speaker under the hood. Very good for enlighting peeps about their driving errors and annoying youg ladies walking down the sidewalk.


elaine said:
I mostly swear when I'm driving. My daughter, on the cell phone in the passenger seat, "Oh, that's just my mom. She's driving". Occasionally I wave with one finger.

I do the same thing, but I forget the weather is becoming nicer and when the windows are rolled down. A few days ago I came to a stop light and the Escalade in front of me was both in his lane and mine... I squished my way up next to it and in MY lane and yelled out ... "you'r not effn' tank azzhole!!!" and it was only then that I realized my window was down. Do you ever do that and forget your windows are down when you curse folks out :shrug: :lol:


New Member
dems4me said:
I do the same thing, but I forget the weather is becoming nicer and when the windows are rolled down. A few days ago I came to a stop light and the Escalade in front of me was both in his lane and mine... I squished my way up next to it and in MY lane and yelled out ... "you'r not effn' tank azzhole!!!" and it was only then that I realized my window was down. Do you ever do that and forget your windows are down when you curse folks out :shrug: :lol:
