Road rage


Is it any wonder road rage happens.

So tonight I am making my monthly trek to DE and back. Going up wasn't much trouble but coming back was an adventure.

So we are on RT2 coming back and we had made it most of the way to where RT 2 joins RT 4. About 6 miles from the intersection we are in a line of traffic going about 45 in the blowing rain and road mist cruising along, minding our own business. I have about a 20 foot cushion in front of the line of 5 cars in front of me. We get to a spot where a short turn lane begins on the right for a road that enters RT 2. I glance up and see headlights closing from the rear FAST. The guy veers right onto the deceleration lane for the right turn and instead of slowing and turning, he speeds up. He runs all the way through the deceleration/turn lane and onto the shoulder and starts flinging mud then starts jamming left in front of me except he has not cleared my front end. This all happens in about 3 seconds and when he sees a sign on a post he yanks it over into the space that is not there in front of me. I have to jam the brakes, anti lock pulsing, I have to swerve to miss. As my fender goes over into the northbound lane and headlights appear I detect the smell of poo in the air. finally I slow enough to yank it back into my lane as the oncoming car passes by.

So this imaptient dickhead passes me on the right, cuts me off, causes me to veer into on coming traffic or get turned and flip down the road into oncoming traffic. All with his business name and phone number neatly lettered across his back window. So after blowing the horn for 3 full minutes and lighting him up with the brights I call and relay his info and plate to the Calvert Sheriff. So when we get onto RT 4 while on the phone with the CCSD he takes off weaving traffic going about 80 and almost causes another wreck.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
When I moved here in '90 I used to see a lot of "Pray for me I drive Rt. 4" bumber stickers. It took me about a month to figure out why.

Glad you're ok. :huggy:


I swear I am going to end up beating someone to near death if this crap keeps on going. I was so pizzed that I was going to go drag the SOB out of the window at the light on RT2 by the 7-11 but the light turned green just as we got there and he kept on going.

If I do who is going to come get Boy so he doesn't end up in a Foster home until I can post bail?


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Good, I need to leave you an envelope with bail money. :yay:

How do I get in on this money in an envelope thing? I could be a back up. :bubble:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
It's all too common, I'm afraid, and happens in an instant. I'm glad you were able to avoid the wreck, Pete.

I was heading north on 235 Friday night around 6 past the Route 4 intersection. A car was coming on from Route 4 and some azzhole in a Dodge truck decided to come screaming up the right lane that goes away. The car pulled in front of him, I decelerated enough to let them in and blocked the truck from getting in front of me. After running on the shoulder for a bit, he whipped behind me missing my bumper by inches then around me into the left lane. I waved and gave him a salute. :lol:

The bad thing was there was absolutely NO ONE behind me. He also continued weaving in and out of traffic up 235 until I lost sight of him. :ohwell:


off the shelf
Pete said:
How do I know I could trust you? :really:

*cough, cough, cough*

I think you can trust me AND I live in the same school district as, if there is a problem posting bail, I could make sure boy gets to school

I'll even go by your house and feed your cats :yay:


jazz lady said:
It's all too common, I'm afraid, and happens in an instant. I'm glad you were able to avoid the wreck, Pete.

I was heading north on 235 Friday night around 6 past the Route 4 intersection. A car was coming on from Route 4 and some azzhole in a Dodge truck decided to come screaming up the right lane that goes away. The car pulled in front of him, I decelerated enough to let them in and blocked the truck from getting in front of me. After running on the shoulder for a bit, he whipped behind me missing my bumper by inches then around me into the left lane. I waved and gave him a salute. :lol:

The bad thing was there was absolutely NO ONE behind me. He also continued weaving in and out of traffic up 235 until I lost sight of him. :ohwell:
That is a bad spot. People know that right lane goes away so manyy move over ahead of time. Azzholes then fly up the right all the way down to the forced merge 30mph faster than traffic is moving and jam in. Nothing wrong with using an available lane but when your speed differential is 30+ over traffic on the left and they fly down and jam in it is stupid.

I am done. I have avoided people and their stupid anticts enough. I am not budging anymore. I should have ran that guy tonight down into the woods.


aps45819 said:
Glad you and boy are OK
:huggy: <---Man hug with heavy back smacking
I have had some close calls in 30 years driving but this one was hairy. (I started driving at 12:nono:


greyhound said: can tell us...we will keep it a secret.

Glad you guys are ok!
Thanks, no names yet. I may call them evey night at 1am and call him an a-hole though. :yay: