Yet it seems to offend you greatly, based on the number of times you and I have had this exact same argument. Do Madonna and her fans offend you this much? Because I think she is MUCH more idiotic in her pursuit of fortune and fame than Gene Simmons ever dreamed of being.
The whole point of being a commercial artist is to sell product. Gene knows how to do that, including his unfortunate foray into disco. I'm more offended by Dave Matthews than KISS - at least Gene is honest about his intentions and doesn't pretend to be a (duhn-duhn-DUHN!) "serious artist". Gene presents himself as what he is; Matthews is about as authentic as Chef Boyardee. He'll be doing Burger King commercials before too much longer. You should stop being a Dave Matthews fan about the time you stop going to keggers with your bros, i.e., the second you graduate from college. Dave Matthews is the Gwyneth Paltrow of music. He campaigned for Obama. Twice.
Yet he not only doesn't incite your scorn, but you actually...*gulp* him.
Help me here. Let's explore your Gene-hate and get to the root of your problem. Only then can the healing begin.
And every time we have this exact same CONVERSATION, I use the same analogy; you go ballistic when someone does a half ass professional website and you do, or used to, because you are personally invested in it and it offends your sensibilities and pride in your profession.
I am NOT invested in Madonna. I am not invested in Country. I can enjoy them both for what they are, whatever they are; POP. Yet, they are commercial artists.
And I say this every time; rock and metal, I AM invested in. It is the stuff I love and care about, like you and your websites or whatever is going on with Kate and what's his face and their baby(s) or what have you. I LOVED KISS Alive! Detroit Rock City gives me goose bumps, RIGHT NOW, just thinking about it. Love Gun on was like finding out that your favorite artist who just totally kicked ass was actually no different than Donny Douche and was simply interested in your wallet; not your heart. Not your soul.
Like Dave or not, his music, so far, has his passions and energy in it. Will he do Burger King some day? Maybe. Megadeth went to crap when Marty left because that ####ing cheap ass Gene Simmons wanna be Mustaine refused to give anyone publishing rights to the music they were helping create.
And, worst of all, when it comes to KISS, they WERE on an upward trajectory writing and playing great music. You can do Rock and Roll All Night and be on the radio. They PROVED it. You can be on the radio with DRCity. They proved it. So, why then go to "I was made for loving you" and Christine Sixteen??????
I 'hate' (not hate, pisses me off) Gene for the same reason Dubbya pisses me off: I bought in. And I feel like I got stabbed in the back.
The whole point of COMMERCIAL is to make a buck.
The whole point of art is to make art.
The whole point of COMMERCIAL ARTIST is to balance the art with the bucks. KISS and Gene went off the rails, jumped the refrigerator. Nuked the shark. WAY too much $ and not enough art. AND could have easily kept the dough coming writing good songs.
Gene and Paul are free to, right now, this very day, dust off the ol' chops and write a brand new ass kicking rock song and sell the living hell out of it. And maybe that is the worst of it; the guys who wrote Strutter, Hotter than Hell (there is another chill!!!!) Rock Bottom, DRC, are freaking denying ROCK fans something they used to be so good at.
It's personal!
