Rocky Rowland's Credentials

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Back to Reality

Originally posted by Terp Fan
First of all, a candidate trying a write-in campaign after losing a primary election is performing political suicide. It is like thumbing your nose at the political party that did not choose you. Rocky is a smart man - he knows this.
Political suicide in St. Mary’s? I don’t see it. If Rocky can do the job and feels it needs to be done, why not go for it? As only about a third of the registered voters turned out he has a decent shot at getting many votes if he can get the people to show up. The only way it would be suicide is if he has major ambitions beyond the county boundaries.
Second of all, the numbers don't support any reasonable chance at a write-in campaign victory in the general election. McKay's and Randall's names will be on the ballet and they are legitimate candidates since they won their respective primaries. To convince people to "buck the system " would be extremely difficult.
There are almost 35,000 registered Democrats and Republicans in St. Mary's County. Of those only 12,823 voted for the Commissioner President. There are about 13,000 other eligible voters registered in the county that could vote for him also. It is getting them interested in voting and getting your message out. If Rocky could do this he could win easily.

As long as he files in accordance with the law he should give it a shot. Especially as McKay's rumors will become a hot topic as election day approaches.


New Member
Especially as McKay's rumors will become a hot topic as election day approaches.

Ken, as much as we would all love to see Rocky continue to run, he would probably get blamed for anything negative that is said about McKay. Rocky never brought up McKay's history, he would only want to win on his own merit, not a smear Tommy McKay campaign. As you said...the Democrats are going to have a field day with the FACT that Tommy McKay embezzled money from his father. Rocky wouldn't lower himself to try to win on Tommy's downfalls.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Darlene
Ken, as much as we would all love to see Rocky continue to run, he would probably get blamed for anything negative that is said about McKay. Rocky never brought up McKay's history, he would only want to win on his own merit, not a smear Tommy McKay campaign. As you said...the Democrats are going to have a field day with the FACT that Tommy McKay embezzled money from his father. Rocky wouldn't lower himself to try to win on Tommy's downfalls.

The opposing candidate is going to have a field day regarding McKay and will benefit from getting the embezzlement story out there. That is why it seems a good idea for Rocky to become a write-in candidate. He can declare his intent, get his vision for the county out there, show his qualifications and give us an alternative. If he can get some public support to mobilize the voters he has a reasonable chance of success. If he wins it will solidify his position with his party by showing that there was more support then what was shown during the primary. If he doesn't partake in the smear campaign how could he be blamed for it?


New Member
Rocky is the most honerable and humble man I have ever met. The only reason I brought up the write in was because I know in my heart and so does everyone else who knows Rocky, he is the man to turn the county around and make it a very successful County. I just wish each of you had the opportunity to listen to his views like I have.

Being the way he is, I know he has bowed out graciously and with dignity. Two traits we have not seen in a candidate in a very long time.

I will say though that it warms my heart to hear so many of you would like to see Rocky continue. :blushing:


New Member
No vote for Either!!!

Under no circumstances will I vote for either Julie Randall or Tommy McKay!!! That is not a choice. I will write in the name Rocky Rowland on my ballot and I highly recommend anyone else out there who feels as strongly as I do, do the same thing. It really doesn't matter which one of the no-loads currently running wins. My vote for either of them would be a joke. So I will vote my convictions and if enough people did the same thing, who knows what the outcome will be.:confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have a suggestion. Let's pick someone from the forums that we can all agree on and write THEIR name in. Serious. I vote for Ken King. (Even though I can't vote in St. Mary's)


New Member
On another forum I wrote I will write in for County Commissioner President , Harley Dividson and for Sherrif the Marlboro Man.

But seriously folks we have the right as a voter to right in any name we want. So do what you feel is best for the county. I know I will be writing in Rocky's name.


You're all F'in Mad...
As a fellow American citizen, I support your "right" to waste your vote. However, I do question your wisdom in the matter (or lack thereof.)

We have a 2 party system. 2 Candidates were selected by the process. It's pretty easy to pick one and have a voice in the outcome, or waste your vote.


New Member
What voice do you have in an outcome where you have two people you don't wish to vote for. To me casting a vote for someone I don't like is just as bad as not voting at all. However writing in a name is bascially doing the same thing. But it is a way to show the two that got in not everyone likes them. By not connecting that cute little broken arrow will do the same thing. By writing in a name, for me gives me the satisfaction of knowing that is the person I was going to vote for all along.