ROKU / YouTubeTV


American Beauty
PREMO Member
For those of you that stream your TV, I just received an email from ROKU...


Dear Roku Customer,

We are sending this email to update you on the possibility that Google may take away your access to the YouTube TV channel on Roku. Recent negotiations with Google to carry YouTube TV have broken down because Roku cannot accept Google’s unfair terms as we believe they could harm our users.

Ensuring a great streaming experience at an exceptional value is the core of our business. We will always stand up for our users, which is why we cannot accept Google's unfair and anticompetitive requirements to manipulate your search results, impact the usage of your data and ultimately cost you more.

While we are deeply disappointed in Google’s decision to use their monopoly power to try and force terms that will directly harm streamers, we remain committed to reaching an agreement with Google that preserves your access to YouTube TV, protects your data and ensures a level playing field for companies to compete. We encourage you to contact Google and urge them to reach an agreement to continue offering YouTube TV on Roku and to follow standard industry practices pledging not to require access to sensitive search data or to manipulate your search results.

Thank you,


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I use the YTTV DVR feature to record several shows I like to watch that are on after my bedtime.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Riddle me this?

Even though it is set to record every night, Gutfeld has not recorded any programs this week. :burning:

Any ideas why this is happening or not happening?


Beloved Misanthrope
Riddle me this?

Even though it is set to record every night, Gutfeld has not recorded any programs this week. :burning:

Any ideas why this is happening or not happening?
Check the settings on the DVR.

Mine got an update about 6-8 months ago and it wiped my settings in the recorder.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I deleted Gutfeld from my library and everything disappeared. I'll re-add it tomorrow and see if it starts back up Monday night.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Riddle me this?

Even though it is set to record every night, Gutfeld has not recorded any programs this week. :burning:

Any ideas why this is happening or not happening?
Thanks to someone else asking this very question on Reddit:

"When you bring up the show you'll see a Season 2021 tab and an Extras tab.

Click on the Extras and you'll see the new shows.

Not sure why this is like this"

I have now found the "lost" shows! :dance: