Asperger's Poster Child
"I'm sure that I'm supposed to act all sorry or sad or guilty now that I've accepted that I've done something wrong. But you see, I'm just not built that way," wrote Rose. "So let's leave it like this: I'm sorry it happened and I'm sorry for all the people, fans and family it hurt. Let's move on."
No, let's stay right here.
Let's do a little exegesis of the text as the old-time hellfire preachers used to say. Rose says he's "not built" to "act all sorry or sad or guilty." Well, if he can't even act that way, with his whole future hanging in the balance, we can be sure he's incapable of actually feeling that way. Our prisons are full of people who aren't "built" to feel remorse or guilt or sorrow at the damage they have done. This attitude is a pathology, Pete, not a bragging point.