Rumsfeld for Pres in '08



Yeah, I know he'll probably be too old, but after watching his performances on Meet the Press and This Week on Sunday I think this guy is just awesome!!! I've never seen a political type take George Stephanopolous and Tim Russert to task like that before. I loved it when he had them put their quote slides back up on the screen so he could disect their allegations one by one. It was just perfect.

For those of you who missed it here are some high points:

Both reporters challenged Rumsfeld on how he had under-estimated the costs of the war and occupation. Rumsfeld told both of them that they had never said how much it would cost because they have never known how much it would cost since there were too many variables, and he had learned from reviewing lessons-learned from Bosnia, Panama, etc., that initial estimates are always wrong. So his opinion was that it's better to be honest and say "we don't know" than to offer a swag that you know is going to be wrong. When both reporters countered with how he had said it was costing 1.9 billion per month earlier and now was saying 3.4 billion, he told them that when he was asked way back when how much the war would cost, he said he didn't know how much the total cost would be. When asked what the "current" burn rate was he told them 1.9 billion, which was correct at the time he was asked. The current burn rate is 3.4 billion, and this will change up or down as events unfold.

Both reporters pointed out how some general had testified that it may take "some several hundred thousand troops" to stabilize Iraq, and how wrong Rumsfeld had been by saying that comment was wrong at the time because there were now 147,000 troops in Irag. Rumsfeld asked how 147,000 troops equates to "several hundred thousand troops?" The reporters couldn't wait to move on to the next subject.

Rumsfeld also addressed the Liar Liar Pants on Fire issue that the Democrats are pushing, and quashed that deal also. Then George asked him about this poll and that poll, and Rumsfeld said "Leaders lead... they don't worry about polls." I loved it!

It was so nice to hear someone from the administration come on a show and speak the truth and tell it like it is. No wishy-washy answers... no playing to the hosts... no trying to spin. Just here's whats's going on and this is why we did it that way


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Rumsfeld said "Leaders lead... they don't worry about polls." I loved it!

Guess he forgets that we are in the day and age where people become leaders because of polls and elections, not hostile takeovers.
But he always been one of my favorites in Bush's clan.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Rumsfeld for Pres in '08

Originally posted by SmallTown
Guess he forgets that we are in the day and age where people become leaders because of polls and elections, not hostile takeovers.
:bandit: I think the allusion here is that our last sorry occupant of the Oval Office was wont to check the polls, wet his finger(from whichever source was handy), and test the winds, before making any political decision.

George Stephanopolous was probably a chief advancer of this theory.


Rumsfield has my vote, heck I'd vote for him over Dubya.

Other people that I think would make a good canidate

Powell, Rockefeller of WV, McCain and yes Bill Bradley


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Rumsfeld would be a good choice. Ashcroft is weak weak weak. Ditto Powell. I loathe John McCain.

If Rudy Guiliani ran, he'd get my vote hands down. 2004 is pretty much sewn up for Bush. But typically the VP runs when it's time to pass the reins and I don't think Cheney will go for it. I like Cheney but he won't carry the torch. Maybe Dub should think about replacing him as VP? (With Rudy Guiliani, of course :cheesy:)


Forgot about Rudy, but I would like him to run against Hillary to get her out of the Senate.


Really? I love Mcain! But then again, I love Bush! I want a leader that will, Kill, Kill, Kill.... Just me. :biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Really intriguing, but...

Originally posted by Heretic
Forgot about Rudy, but I would like him to run against Hillary to get her out of the Senate.
Why don't the Republicans come up with their own female candidate?

Hope I have it right, but what about Kathleen Whitman from New Jersey?
There's one intelligent lady, and I like her diplomatic tact, as well as what she's had to say in past years.

Offer her candidacy as VP or Pres.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Really intriguing, but...

Originally posted by penncam
Why don't the Republicans come up with their own female candidate?

Hope I have it right, but what about Kathleen Whitman from New Jersey?
There's one intelligent lady, and I like her diplomatic tact, as well as what she's had to say in past years.

Offer her candidacy as VP or Pres.
Ann Coulter. Same reasons.


Whitman is about as much a Republican as John McCain is. She's shifted way over to the left.

I like the idea of a Bush/Guiliani ticket. That will leave the door open wide for 2008. I also like the idea of Rudy spanking Hillary in the 2006 election. So many choices...


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Any combination of Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld, Giuliani, and Ventura would get my vote. :yay:

I don't like McCain. He's too close to a liberal for my tastes. Always thinks he can solve problems by making more laws. Besides, where does he get off trying to outlaw UFC?