Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Before 2001 Tens of Thousands went through the terrorist training camps in Afganistan. I think we have pretty much shut down the training camps world wide, are these new terrorists untrained?
Those camps were just the start. Now those some 18000 people who went through the camps are out "speading the knowledge" to others who support their ideas.
“You don’t need a lot of money for most of what we are seeing now,” one official said.
“Many of these cells don’t appear to be very well-funded, but what is more important than money is human capital. And human capital doesn’t seem to be in short supply.”
" Michael Pillsbury, a Pentagon terrorism consultant, argued that the evolution of the terrorist groups is analogous to a process of corporate merger and acquisition. At a terrorism conference earlier this year at St. Andrews College, Pillsbury said regionally-focused terrorism groups with their own particular agendas join with al Qaeda to learn their operational techniques or benefit from their contacts, but are not subordinate to al Qaeda."