Sad day on my farm


I love her wild,wild hair
I've trapped and relocated 4 raccoons and 4 opossums - those raccoons sure get heavy! I caught them all over a period of 2 weeks in the barn going after kitty food from a rescue kitty I have there who is housed in a big cage/condo - I guess they reach in and take his food? Darn predators!

What did you use as bait for the opossum and raccoons? I'm going to get a trap and start trapping. I have more eggs incubating and they will start hatching out Monday. I want to trap everything that can possibly kill chicks before I put them out and will keep a trap set all the time when I do put the new batch out. I will not put them out in the cage, this time they will go directly into the coop when they are big enough. I also have a bunch of ground hogs that have to go, since dad sold his land around my farm and they've been putting a housing development in, all the wild critters have moved to my farm. On a good note, I saw two turkey hens and a handful of babies visiting my male turkey the other morning:) I think he is the father, he was loose this spring until I built a pen for him to keep him out of my garden.


New Member
I've trapped and relocated 4 raccoons and 4 opossums - those raccoons sure get heavy! I caught them all over a period of 2 weeks in the barn going after kitty food from a rescue kitty I have there who is housed in a big cage/condo - I guess they reach in and take his food? Darn predators!

How far do you go to relocate? I've heard they often make it back from several miles.