Saddam Hanging video (poor quality camera phone)


jaybeeztoo said:
It was a bad video but I can't believe I even watched it. I kept turning the channel when the subject came up on the news this morning over and over and over and over. :yikes:

I was looking forward to seeing his neck snap at the end of the rope, watching his legs kick a few times as the nerves short out as he swings from side to side.



But wait, there's more...
rack'm said:
I was looking forward to seeing his neck snap at the end of the rope, watching his legs kick a few times as the nerves short out as he swings from side to side.



Look at the years of suffering people endured and will continue to endure because of this man. And he only had to suffer ... what ... a few seconds, if that? Screw him ... they should've made his hanging a pay-per-view event to help offset the costs of removing his evil ass from power. I'd have paid ... twice. :yay:


"Typical White Person"
crabcake said:
It looks like a funky art drawing, and unless you really know what you're looking at, you wouldn't know it's someone being hung.

That is what I was thinking too, and in a small thumbnail at that with a graining photo but whatever. Even the mainstream media here in the US is showing video of his dead body in a body bag.