
Shoud Saddam be hanged within 30 days?

  • Yes, the sooner the better! Send the world a message!

    Votes: 37 94.9%
  • No, what purpose will this serve? We should try to understand and love him. Don't do it!

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Should have been shot in the hole they found him in. Would have saved some effort on the burial. Maybe save the head for proof. Hacked off with a plastic knife just like the guys on Al-jazeera.

I don't have any heartburn after what he did to the Kurds and many others! :sarcasm:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think if we'd...

...handled WWII like we've handled Iraq, Herman Goehring would probably be doing interviews along side Charles Manson.


Larry Gude said:
...handled WWII like we've handled Iraq, Herman Goehring would probably be doing interviews along side Charles Manson.

No joke. :ohwell:

What's next though....the US has become some politically correct it's disgusting. :barf:


Pitty Party
rack'm said:
No joke. :ohwell:

What's next though....the US has become some politically correct it's disgusting. :barf:

He deserves everything he's about to get, but it's going to add to "it's the American's fault for invading there space". Then were going to get hit harder cause were not fighting the same war!

Wake up America :confused: It's not a game of Risk!
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is it PC...

rack'm said:
No joke. :ohwell:

What's next though....the US has become some politically correct it's disgusting. :barf:

...or simple ineptitude? In 1991, we were not PC at all and Powell and Swarzkopf just came down on Iraq like a ton of bricks.

Bush has thought he could make this thing one big special op game and I figure he thought it would lend legitimacy to the new government if they did the trial?

I chalk it up to bad ideas, but, maybe it is PC run amock??? It would be reassuring to think he'd actually thought it through enough to be wrong instead of this 'we're gonna win because I said so' routine.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering what would happen to Saddam if the country DID split up - would he be allowed back into power?

Is it possible they want to speed up his execution, because they're worried he might return to power one day?


flomaster said:
Should have been shot in the hole they found him in. Would have saved some effort on the burial. Maybe save the head for proof. Hacked off with a plastic knife just like the guys on Al-jazeera.

I don't have any heartburn after what he did to the Kurds and many others! :sarcasm:
The way we treated Saddam is what separates us from the terrorists. Our troops handled the capture of Saddam with complete discipline and mercy. Unlike how they have been protrayed by the media, Murtha and Kerry (to name a few) our troops showed they have the capacity to maintain their understanding of justice even under the most dire of circumstances. And justice is being served. Thank God justice is being served.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
PsyOps said:
The way we treated Saddam is what separates us from the terrorists. Our troops handled the capture of Saddam with complete discipline and mercy. Unlike how they have been protrayed by the media, Murtha and Kerry (to name a few) our troops showed they have the capacity to maintain their understanding of justice even under the most dire of circumstances. And justice is being served. Thank God justice is being served.

I didn't say justice should have been avoided in favor of dropping a grenade in the hole. Its just my personal feeling that he should have been immediately executed and avoided the whole media hype that makes people like Saddam the martyrs that they become due to all the attention.


flomaster said:
I didn't say justice should have been avoided in favor of dropping a grenade in the hole. Its just my personal feeling that he should have been immediately executed and avoided the whole media hype that makes people like Saddam the martyrs that they become due to all the attention.
Sorry I didn't read
Should have been shot in the hole they found him in
as anything other than he should have been summarily executed on the spot. It certainly wouldn't have hurt my feelings if he had been shot right there in that hole. But I was simpy trying to point out the level of discipline our troops actually operated with, contrary to many of our left-wing military-haters would like us to believe AND this typifies the difference between American justice and justice seen by our enemies.


I'm the Boss of Me
Hang him already, he's eating too many of our cheetos!

All he had to do was stay out of Kuwait and he could have had as many contracts with Halliburton and killed as many Iraqis as he pleased. What a dumb schmuck.

Hanging is an easy out. IMHO. Why don't the Arabs show us some of their old school techniques for punishing evil doers?

Saddam had living people thrown into machines designed to shred plastic. At the very least he deserves something along those lines.


My 401K is now a 201K
Lock him in a tower and have all his cohorts strapped into an airplane and fly the sucker right into him.....of course it would be on auto-pilot.....
