Saddam's lobbyist kills himself


Asperger's Poster Child (registration required)

Years ago I read the issue of Spy magazine that profiled this guy.

Tyrants' Lobbyist, Flamboyant to the End

As part of Washington's image machinery for more than two decades, Edward von Kloberg III did his best to sanitize some of the late 20th century's most notorious dictators as they sought favors and approval from U.S. officials...

By far the most outrageous and lasting public impression of von Kloberg came from a notorious "sting" operation by Spy magazine. For a story the satirical journal titled "Washington's Most Shameless Lobbyist," a staff writer posed as a Nazi sympathizer whose causes included halting immigration to the "fatherland" and calling for the German annexation of Poland.

According to the magazine, von Kloberg expressed sympathy for the fake client -- and her $1 million offer. And then he was drubbed in print. Shortly afterward, he showed up at the opening of Spy's Washington office with a first-aid kit and sported a trench helmet, "so I can take the flak," he announced.
Tonio said:
"he showed up at the opening of Spy's Washington office with a first-aid kit and sported a trench helmet"
I guess that is better than showing up at the opening of the Holocaust Museum with a gas mask and a pair of pliers.