Sandy Burgler


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
When the security advisor for a Presidential candidate breaks the law and endangers the people of this country in order to obtain ammo for his candidate, I want to know about it.

Ever hear of a little thing called "Watergate"?
As if kerry didnt have access to that information him self :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
As if kerry didnt have access to that information him self
Then why did he have Sandy Berger steal it? That's even worse - gratuitous kleptomania.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
As if kerry didnt have access to that information him self
And there's your hypocrisy in spades for the whole world to see. You're very quick to criticize Bush over a mangled sentence, but you defend Kerry's advisors stealing classified documents. What would you be saying if it were Kerry who made an occasional gaffe and Bush who had his flunky steal ammunition against his opponent?


Active Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And there's your hypocrisy in spades for the whole world to see. You're very quick to criticize Bush over a mangled sentence, but you defend Kerry's advisors stealing classified documents. What would you be saying if it were Kerry who made an occasional gaffe and Bush who had his flunky steal ammunition against his opponent?
I dont think kerry would have gotten this far if his speaking skills were where bush's are.... I find the speech thing to be one of bush's many characteristics that goes along with him looking like a monkey... So im not sure, i cant imagine bush being a good speaker and being as dumb as he is... if bush already had access to the files, as kerry had access to them i probably wouldnt give a damn, just like i dont now... And im not sure if i would still support kerry the way i do now or if i would be looking for a 3rd party canidate...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
I dont think kerry would have gotten this far if his speaking skills were where bush's are.... I find the speech thing to be one of bush's many characteristics that goes along with him looking like a monkey... So im not sure, i cant imagine bush being a good speaker and being as dumb as he is... if bush already had access to the files, as kerry had access to them i probably wouldnt give a damn, just like i dont now... And im not sure if i would still support kerry the way i do now or if i would be looking for a 3rd party canidate...
That whole paragraph was just juvenile and you should be embarrassed.

"Why don't you like Bush?"

"Cuz he DUM!"
"Yeah, he DUM!"
"Dat man's so DUM he can't even axe a question right."
"Yeah! DUM!"
"An he look like a MUNKY too!"
"Yeah, a MUNKY!"
"Dat's a DUM MUNKY man, right der!"



Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That whole paragraph was just juvenile and you should be embarrassed.:rolleyes:
:biggrin: See vrai, he's so dumb he doesn't even realise how inept the statement made him appear. He is so slow, he's probably going to have to go to the dictionary to find out what "inept" means.

It's like I said in an earlier post, some of these liberals read in the past that they're the intelligent party, and guess what?

They believed it.:crazy:


Active Member
I know what inept means... And that statement is no more ignorant than vrai calling me a liar based on made up facts... I have stated in many other threads my reasons for thniking bush is dumb, if you feel im being ignorant you can look at my post history (click search and posts by the user spoiled)... As for looking like a monkey, he does... His whole image to me is a moron, with smart people behind using him as a puppet... Every now and then they let him loose and allow him to do as he pleases and that is when he says some of the really stupid things... Then again you wont look into the things i say instead you will just ridicule me, and my statements...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
I know what inept means... And that statement is no more ignorant than vrai calling me a liar based on made up facts... I have stated in many other threads my reasons for thniking bush is dumb, if you feel im being ignorant you can look at my post history (click search and posts by the user spoiled)... As for looking like a monkey, he does... His whole image to me is a moron, with smart people behind using him as a puppet... Every now and then they let him loose and allow him to do as he pleases and that is when he says some of the really stupid things... Then again you wont look into the things i say instead you will just ridicule me, and my statements...
Where is it a requirement for the President to be an excellent orator? The fact that Bush has surrounded himself with intelligent and savvy people in itself is an act of intelligence. As far as superficial looks, if that is a factor in your selection process, you have some shallow standards for what you want as a leader. We don’t need movie stars looks or a polished speech giver leading our nation, we need an actual leader willing to do what is best for our security and prosperity. I’ll take a bumbling doer over a smooth talking BS artist that does nothing any day of the week.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
And that statement is no more ignorant than vrai calling me a liar based on made up facts...
Hello? I only called you a liar when you made up that story about St. Mary's Schools renaming french fries "freedom fries". Quit making up stories to bolster your screwball political party and I won't call you a liar.


New Member
Originally posted by Spoiled
I know what inept means... And that statement is no more ignorant than vrai calling me a liar based on made up facts... I have stated in many other threads my reasons for thniking bush is dumb, if you feel im being ignorant you can look at my post history (click search and posts by the user spoiled)... As for looking like a monkey, he does... His whole image to me is a moron, with smart people behind using him as a puppet... Every now and then they let him loose and allow him to do as he pleases and that is when he says some of the really stupid things... Then again you wont look into the things i say instead you will just ridicule me, and my statements...
Dude, you are only 19 and you are this uptight? You need to ditch the pocket protector and live a little. Cash in the savings bond grandma got you for your birthday and get a hooker or something.

No need to thank me, it is a public service by the stiffmiester.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Stiffler
Dude, you are only 19 and you are this uptight?

No need to thank me, it is a public service by the stiffmiester.
Sir, you tagged this one aptly.

If this kid gets this uptight at his current young age, he's going to be a raving maniac by 21.

Oh wait, does that not describe his fellow liberals as well?

Is it not truly amazing that liberals cannot, and will not accept, give due regard, that a man, our President has put together one very talented and diverse cabinet; people who are experts in their chosen field, more than the last administration dared to accomplish?

If the guy is not an expert in all aspects of American leadership, but installs people who understand these concepts, that it means nothing to them?

What a bunch of phony bastages.
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