Not a Lurker anymore!
Having entertainment while the families are in line makes the wait seem not as long. The Spy museum did this. The line wrapped around the block to get in when it first opened, a guy did a sort of name that tune game with the crowd.
You could have elves that do magic tricks or a group of them that do a little song and dance.
Also have small benches that line the walkway to santa so that the kids can sit while waiting.
Thanks for the ideas. Not sure if you visited our new Santa Set (again, Annapolis Mall) last year, but the mall did some huge renovations. Our Santa Set was MUCH smaller last year, and will be the same again this year. It's def. more "cramped" while waiting in line.I LOVE the ideas of providing some entertainment for the folks in line. Do you visit the mall on Wednesday mornings? They have a kids-club hosted by Kid-Singer-Jim. He stepped in and entertained the crowd one evening...and it really helped. Hopefully we can get him to do this again.