Sarah Suckabee lies to the nation on a daily basis.
Sarah Suckabee is a liar.
It's the press secretary's job to clarify - and to put the best political spin on an issue.
So - yeah. Lie. But really no more than anyone else does. I lie to my kids, but it's not malicious.
It also seems like it's the White House press corp's job - to antagonize the press secretary.
Some of them - like Jim Acosta - seem to try to make their fortune on being visibly antagonistic.
Lately with some of the grandstanding there's been - I'm in favor of a suggestion that's been made -
take the cameras out. Print it online. It should put an end to the press corp making big visual dramatic
appearances while not actually asking a question. Another has been to have different briefings for
each type of subject - business related questions one a different day.