Would THIS face lie?
My youngest son wants a Satellite Radio for his truck...He has placed me in chgarge of gathering information...I really don't know too much about them...
What is the difference between XM and Sirius? Is it like Direct TV and the Dish Network? Which is better...He has decided he wants the Plug N Play one...He has found a Delphi that he likes...This one is something like Tivo...You can rewind & record and so on....How much does the monthly charge usually run? Can you get different packages like Direct TV? Anyone have any comments or suggestions?
What is the difference between XM and Sirius? Is it like Direct TV and the Dish Network? Which is better...He has decided he wants the Plug N Play one...He has found a Delphi that he likes...This one is something like Tivo...You can rewind & record and so on....How much does the monthly charge usually run? Can you get different packages like Direct TV? Anyone have any comments or suggestions?