Saturn Reverse Slam

If you have a Saturn and it starts slamming when going into reverse, I have the tools you need to fix it. Happy to loan them out. It's not a difficult fix. New (remanufactured and upgraded) valve body (< $100 on ebay) and retourquing a nut and you're back on the road. Special tools I have are required to retourque the nut.


Well-Known Member
That's very nice of you to offer. I have an older Saturn so now I know who to ask questions of when something happens to it. :buddies:

Mine is a manual so it shouldn't slam in reverse unless I'm really doing something wrong.
That's very nice of you to offer. I have an older Saturn so now I know who to ask questions of when something happens to it. :buddies:

Mine is a manual so it shouldn't slam in reverse unless I'm really doing something wrong. is a great forum for saturn questions.