
New Member
Please attend this important meeting! We need help getting the word out to help protest this environmentally unsafe idea. Not only do they want to build this wharf and bring coal up the Chesapeake Bay but then they want to build some kind of wet scrubber and pull over 1 million gallons of water a day from our aquifiers.
riverrat said:
Please attend this important meeting! We need help getting the word out to help protest this environmentally unsafe idea. Not only do they want to build this wharf and bring coal up the Chesapeake Bay but then they want to build some kind of wet scrubber and pull over 1 million gallons of water a day from our aquifiers.
Okay... after reading the article, I'm not sure I recognize this as being so detrimental to the environment. Morgantown is already receiving and processing coal... has been for decades. I see this as being less hazardous to the environment than the oil/fuel barges that are currently navigating the Potomac and less of an impact than the poop currently being dumped into the Potomac daily from the VA side. I need more info before I get all excited over this...:confused:


Lem Putt
kwillia said:
Okay... after reading the article, I'm not sure I recognize this as being so detrimental to the environment. Morgantown is already receiving and processing coal... has been for decades. I see this as being less hazardous to the environment than the oil/fuel barges that are currently navigating the Potomac and less of an impact than the poop currently being dumped into the Potomac daily from the VA side. I need more info before I get all excited over this...:confused:
:yeahthat: sounds like NIMBY to me. If we don't want the coal facility, we need to stop using the elctricity the coal creates. No market, no coal, no problem.


New Member
I love the Dahlgren approach to the subject!! Can you imagine those first few deliveries and Dahlgren shoots a big one over their heads? But on the serious side, you don't think that the coal and/or coal dust would slip off into the river?
riverrat said:
I love the Dahlgren approach to the subject!! Can you imagine those first few deliveries and Dahlgren shoots a big one over their heads? But on the serious side, you don't think that the coal and/or coal dust would slip off into the river?
The plant is located directly on the edge of the Potomac already. So the Potomac is already exposed to coal/coal dust simply from wind and run-off. I'm sure the EPA will require extensive monitoring of the water at the unload docks and there will most likely be a barrier put in place as a precaution should their be contamination. I don't see where this will be a major impact to the environment. Again, it is not like the Potomac is in healthy to begin with... I was serious when I mentioned the sewage that is legally dumped daily.


24/7 Single Dad
riverrat said:
Please attend this important meeting! We need help getting the word out to help protest this environmentally unsafe idea. Not only do they want to build this wharf and bring coal up the Chesapeake Bay but then they want to build some kind of wet scrubber and pull over 1 million gallons of water a day from our aquifiers.
Looks like the problem is CSX will lose some business so they stirred up the enviro-nazi's


Lem Putt
riverrat said:
I love the Dahlgren approach to the subject!! Can you imagine those first few deliveries and Dahlgren shoots a big one over their heads? But on the serious side, you don't think that the coal and/or coal dust would slip off into the river?
Would you rather have some coal dust or another pipeline break like Chalk Point? The more coal they use, the less oil they need, which reduces the chance of another pipeline break. This might actually be better for the river.


Well-Known Member
The main problem I see is the destruction of wetlands to build everything. Are they doing a wetland mitigation? Not sure what the requirements are for it...