Presumably most of you are aware that some TV network affiliates are not showing Saving Private Ryan tonight because they are afraid of being fined (or worse) due to the foul language in the movie.
So my question is: What kind of ethic is it that says it's OK to show someone getting killed, but it's not OK to hear the person cursing while dying?
I would also like to take this moment to thank any Vets out there for their service, and for making it possible for us to have these discussions. I hope that my exercising of the rights you may have fought to protect is a small repayment for your contribution. That, and my warm best wishes and a beer or a cup of coffee if I ever get to meet you. Thanks.
So my question is: What kind of ethic is it that says it's OK to show someone getting killed, but it's not OK to hear the person cursing while dying?
I would also like to take this moment to thank any Vets out there for their service, and for making it possible for us to have these discussions. I hope that my exercising of the rights you may have fought to protect is a small repayment for your contribution. That, and my warm best wishes and a beer or a cup of coffee if I ever get to meet you. Thanks.