I look everything up in the Hebrew and Greek so it doesn't bother me what anyone thinks of it.
The Protestant Reformation came out of the King James translation and maybe the Geneva Bible.
Do you see any revivals happening with the NIV, NASB or ESV? No?
Vaticanus was on the shelf for 1,000 years and never used because they knew there was errors in it because that is why it is in such good condition.
The manuscripts that were true got used by believers and they wore out and were in good condition.
The more modern manuscript was found in a trash heap. Do you know what is suspicious about that or which manuscript that was?
You know why the ESV was made right? The NIV was going to come out with a newer version that was gender inclusive so James Dobson and Focus on the Family paid something like a million dollars for the license to the RSV and made something like 70-80 thousand changes which is now the English Standard Version and now the publishers of the NIV lost all that business for trying to be carnal and worldly. I don't have to switch and I don't live in the United Kingdom so I don't have to pay for the copyright of the King James Version.
I'm not saying to not read other versions. I own most of the versions today and I read a few other versions.
But if you are looking for accuracy:
You might want to ask which Bible translations the homosexuals use.