Nitro said:
I am looking to buy a ballcap with SMIB printed on it. Anyone seen any SMIB gear for sale around town?
If you
buy something with SMIB on it, it's automatically no effing good.
Here's what you do:
Go over to Solomons Island and buy a ballcap from any one of the bazillion giftshops and gee-gaw bazaars down there. If you can't get one without a decal on the front, get one with a decal that looks like it might be easy to scrape off, and scrape it off.
Then you go to a convenience store - 7-11 maybe?
By the way, just WTF happened to all the 7-11's around here? Most of them are closed! I am hankering for a 7-11 Bahama Mamma chili-dog, but I can't get one. Not to mention one of those pizza-burgers, or chargrilled bacon cheeseburgers... but I digress.
Anyway - go to a convenience store and buy a Sharpie Marker. Big as you can get.
On the front of the hat, write:
and you will have bona-fide SMIB gear.
no substitutes.