Scary John Kerry' lying to Americans?


Dancing Up A Storm
:cool: Two very interesting contrasts of memory from a couple of guys who served with J. F. Kerry during the Vietnam conflict last night on Hannity and Colmes:

The first gentleman said basically Kerry was an opportunist, a very selfish type, always looking out for himself, but not his shipmates - at least for the duration he spent on the riverboat with him. He has stayed silent on these issues from the end of the conflict until contacted recently, and urged to comment.

The second gentleman denied virtually all the allegations the first guy described, even though he served aboard the vessel at a different time period.This guy is deeply involved with getting Kerry into the White House, and makes no bones about it.

Who you gonna believe?


Yeah... I noticed the second guy sounded like he was reading off of a Kerry Talking Points paper.


New Member
Wonder if I could get a meeting with Kerry? All I would need would be about 5 minutes.... Al Sharpton could sit in too. :burning:

I'd really love to give him one of these :boxing:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Look at the topic of discussion... they are talking about how foreigners view the US. Second, who would these "More" leaders be? I doubt he would refer to US government officials as "more leaders." Then he goes on to talk about finding Americans abroad and telling them to contribute. Why would ne be asking American leaders to look for Americans abroad?
Not only that but this is what Kerry has to say after his press stooge tries to fix things:
Kerry repeated his contention that foreign leaders were encouraging his presidential bid because of unhappiness with U.S. policy.

And his campaign guys released the following "rebuttal":
In response, Kerry's campaign issued a list of statements by Bush administration officials it portrayed as falsehoods, including the assertions that Iraq had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and the prediction that tax cuts would create jobs.
Translation: Bush lies, too, so nyah.

It's pretty obvious that Kerry is a big mouth blowhard who lies his face off, just like Al Gore, because he either doesn't realize the press will quote him on this stuff or he knows Democrats will excuse anything he does because he's their guy.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
It's pretty obvious that Kerry is a big mouth blowhard who lies his face off, just like Al Gore, because he either doesn't realize the press will quote him on this stuff or he knows Democrats will excuse anything he does because he's their guy.


In fact, that should be written a little bigger:

Democrats will excuse anything he does because he's their guy

Of course, that door swings both ways too. Democrats just seem a little more blatant and shameless about it.