Schiff is a such a putz!


PREMO Member
Intel chief’s patience with Schiff wears thin after hours of questioning on whistleblower complaint

But after maintaining his composure for most of the morning, his frustration showed through at the end, when Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., repeatedly pressed him to agree that the matter should be investigated.

Maguire stressed that the committee now has all of the relevant information, including the whistleblower complaint itself that was released publicly Thursday morning, and said it's up to them to decide how to proceed.

“The horse has left the barn,” Maguire said. “You have all of the information. You have the whistleblower complaint. You have the letter from the ICIG. You have the Office of Legal Counsel opinion and you have the transcript from the president.”

Maguire also stressed that the complaint was essentially "hearsay" and not “corroborated by other folks.”



Well-Known Member
I think the irritating thing was how often he kept coming back to the illegality of having foreign governments interfere with elections.
Maguire was not stepping into that obvious noose trap. Of course it's illegal to do that - but Trump didn't do that. It would have been
completely ok for him to bring it up were Joe Biden NOT running for President - ditto Hunter Biden. Sorry, but only the most die-hard leftie
can look at the whole deal of having your cocaine addict son with no experience gain a windfall from Ukraine and then extort the country
to fire a prosecutor who was investigating the company your son was in - and NOT suspect SOMETHING was going on. Especially when the
fired prosecutor later said, yeah, they were going to check Hunter out. And that the company mostly had its investigation ended - with a small
fine, which is typical in bribery instances. Yeah. It's suspicious, to put it mildly.

I admit, I am kind of surprised that Hunter hasn't been talked to at any point in this issue.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Schiff is one of the most insufferable, detestable fools in congress. I would love nothing more than to see someone take him out back to the wood shed and just shut him the heck up.


Well-Known Member
Ever have an opinion on an issue - and you realize damn, I really wish we didn't have THIS guy on our side?
Schiff is one of those guys that, when he opens his mouth, you can almost guarantee that the opposite is where you'd prefer to be.


Well-Known Member
Schiff is one of the most insufferable, detestable fools in congress. I would love nothing more than to see someone take him out back to the wood shed and just shut him the heck up.
That would be awesome!! Can't stand looking at that pencil neck or that other punk that was running for pres and dropped out. Sorry his name isn't coming to me.....


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Schiff is one of the most insufferable, detestable fools in congress. I would love nothing more than to see someone take him out back to the wood shed and just shut him the heck up.
I wonder if his "parody" is entered into the Congressional Record. If so, I wonder if anyone will make a motion (or whatever is required under House rules) to amend his remarks as "parody" or to have the remarks stricken from the record.

You are so spot-on with your description of that total clown.

He will go down in history as the originator of the #SchiffForBrains hashtag. And well deserved.

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Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Whom Acting DNI Maguire called "congresswoman" yesterday. Perhaps that is contempt (though I would say, "oops, slip of the tongue" given Schiff's "parody defense"), but the contempt with which these asshats hold the American public and the administration of a duly-elected President is contempt writ large.

"Duke Nuk'em" Swalwell. Called by Homan "President Swalwell" and Maguire "Congresswoman Swalwell" everything he gets is richly deserved.

So with these idiots (joined by Lieu, Waters, Harris, the CA governor, and on and on) why shouldn't we think the entire state of California deserves to be institutionalized?

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Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.

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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I wonder if his "parody" is entered into the Congressional Record. If so, I wonder if anyone will make a motion (or whatever is required under House rules) to amend his remarks as "parody" or to have the remarks stricken from the record.

You are so spot-on with your description of that total clown.

He will go down in history as the originator of the #SchiffForBrains hashtag. And well deserved.

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Love it! ( I had not seen this before I deemed him Schiff-head! :killingme: )