School's problem?


I have a question.

There's this kid at my son's busstop. This little boy is unruly, foul-mouthed, spoiled, and aggressive.

This morning, he was belting out F-Bombs all over the place - before he threw everyone's bookbag into a big puddle (Except for my son's since I was there).

Needless to say, I don't think that my 5 year old boy should have to hear this - especially since he started saying it himself until I told him to stop. Nor should I have to worry about the state of his property.

Now - before I go over and stomp a squealing worm out of his father's ass, I want to know if this is something I can run by the school. Does their jurisdiction extend to the busstop? Maybe they can send a note home informing his numbnut parents that their child's behavior is unacceptable. I don't want to spend money on court fees, but if that happens again, someone's getting their butt kicked.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I dunno about the rules... but I would think that once the kid steps off the bus, the school washes their hands of him...

I'd go over and give the parents a beatdown. Be prepared to hear a few more F-bombs, though... because that's probably where the little monster gets it.


But wait, there's more...
I'm sure the school would say something to the parents; but I'm not sure about their "reach" in terms of what is considered "on school grounds" and if that would include the bus stop, since they're usually on private/other property. :ohwell:

I'd take a tape recorder with you tomorrow and get the little 'effer' on tape ... go to his parents and just hit the "Play" button. See what their reaction is ... :shrug:


Unfortunately the school is going to claim they have nothing to do with the bus stop. If you can, get some dirt on the little jerk while on the bus do it.

I have found dealing directly with parents very effective! :wink:


New Member
Hate to say it, but probably not within the school's power to do anything until he steps on the bus.

I would, however, let them know of the incident so it can be documented b/c I'm sure he's a terror at school as well and probably has a growing file they are accumulating for some future suspension/expulsion.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Of course you should call the principal AND the kid's parents. Not that the parents are going to care - if they did, their kid wouldn't act like that in the first place. The principal will get the bus driver involved and everyone will have a meeting to "share their feelings".

Actually, this kid should have been tossed off the bus by now. Good luck!


New Member
Oh, I would also feel free to go after the parents if I were you Won't do much good, but it might make you feel better anyway. I know it'll make me feel better. I don't know why idiots are allowed to reproduce and then the rest of us have to suffer their evil spawn.:tantrum


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by nomoney
Just tell the kid to shut his trap and act right.
That would actually be a good lesson for ALL the kids. Tox, are you a big guy? You can tower over him and go, "WHAT did you just say???" Implied threat without actually making one. :yay:


New Member
I am new to this area and this school district, but in all other areas I have lived and had my kids on busses to school, the school was very much interested in what happened on the bus stop, and on the bus itself.

In todays world of "bullies and how do we stop them" in the schools, this is exactly the kind of thing the school should be made aware of.

While you wont see a teacher standing on the bus stop, the school SHOULD have a conference with the parents, and take action.

I have seen in the past where kids were kicked off the bus for behavior at the stop and on the bus.

Having said all that, I tell ya, if I was standing there watching all that take place, I don't think I could have stopped myself from demanding to know where the kid lived, and walking over to his house, having a few choice words with a parent right then and there. (been there, done that!) Unfortunately, in MOST cases, the parents set the example, so just going to them doesnt really help much.

I do hope you find a way to take care of it! No reason at ALL for your 5 year old (or even older kids!) to have to deal with that kind of crap at the bus stop!

Good luck!


Originally posted by vraiblonde
That would actually be a good lesson for ALL the kids. Tox, are you a big guy? You can tower over him and go, "WHAT did you just say???" Implied threat without actually making one. :yay:

even if he's a short guy; the fact that an adult is actually stepping up to him and acknowleging this behavior may be such a shock to him that he'd straighten up; at least around you :shrug:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That would actually be a good lesson for ALL the kids. Tox, are you a big guy? You can tower over him and go, "WHAT did you just say???" Implied threat without actually making one. :yay:

then the little punk goes home and tells mommy and daddy, who sue Tox for threatening little Johnny ... let's face it ... if the kid is a potty-mouth, he probably won't hesitate to lie. :shrug::ohwell:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick

This morning, he was belting out F-Bombs all over the place - before he threw everyone's bookbag into a big puddle (Except for my son's since I was there).

I can't believe you just stood there and watched without saying anything.


Originally posted by Desdemona
I don't know why idiots are allowed to reproduce and then the rest of us have to suffer their evil spawn.:tantrum
:yeahthat: But if the kid is doing at the bus stop so freely, he's probably doing it on the bus and at school too. They'll nail him sooner or later. In the meantime I'd tell him to shut his mouth and have a talk with the poor excuses for parents he's probably got. You can pretty much figure that's where he got it and that it probably won't do any good talking to them.So it's like:banghead:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by HeatherUSNWife
I have seen in the past where kids were kicked off the bus for behavior at the stop and on the bus.
Yup - my darling angel of a son has gotten the boot a couple of times for poor bus stop behavior. One of them was even before the bus got there - he was scrapping with some other kid and the bus driver pulls up and is like, "What's going on?" Oopsie. This was a "take no prisoners" bus driver with kids of her own so she had zero tolerance for kid shenanigans. :lol:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If I were you I would carry a video camera (with audio record capability) and document what is going on. I would take it to the kid's folks first and give them a chance to fix their problem. Failing that I would take it to the school board and ask for their assistance. If they are unable or unwilling to work the issue I would take it to the State's Attorney for their action in the realm of disturbing the public peace and disorderly conduct.


Re: Re: School's problem?

Originally posted by Sharon
I can't believe you just stood there and watched without saying anything.

What makes you think I didn't say anything?

It didn't faze him in the least - and short of cracking his ass, which he is in desperate need of, there wasn't much else I could do.


Re: Re: Re: School's problem?

Originally posted by Toxick
What makes you think I didn't say anything?

It didn't faze him in the least - and short of cracking his ass, which he is in desperate need of, there wasn't much else I could do.
Obviously you are not living in the 7th District....

Lesson: next time lose your ever loving mind! Scare the living shiat out of this kid!

Stang Girl

Mr. and Mrs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Toxick
I have a question.

There's this kid at my son's busstop. This little boy is unruly, foul-mouthed, spoiled, and aggressive.

This morning, he was belting out F-Bombs all over the place - before he threw everyone's bookbag into a big puddle (Except for my son's since I was there).

Needless to say, I don't think that my 5 year old boy should have to hear this - especially since he started saying it himself until I told him to stop. Nor should I have to worry about the state of his property.

Now - before I go over and stomp a squealing worm out of his father's ass, I want to know if this is something I can run by the school. Does their jurisdiction extend to the busstop? Maybe they can send a note home informing his numbnut parents that their child's behavior is unacceptable. I don't want to spend money on court fees, but if that happens again, someone's getting their butt kicked.

I think the school can do something since it is at a bus stop.?