School's problem?



Tell him that if he ever does that crap again you are going to remove his eyeballs with a shiny silver spoon, boil them and force him to eat them for dinner!

It's a great line and when he repeats it, no adult on the planet will believe you said it. :biggrin:


Originally posted by Toxick
I have a question.

There's this kid at my son's busstop. This little boy is unruly, foul-mouthed, spoiled, and aggressive.

This morning, he was belting out F-Bombs all over the place - before he threw everyone's bookbag into a big puddle (Except for my son's since I was there).

Needless to say, I don't think that my 5 year old boy should have to hear this - especially since he started saying it himself until I told him to stop. Nor should I have to worry about the state of his property.

Now - before I go over and stomp a squealing worm out of his father's ass, I want to know if this is something I can run by the school. Does their jurisdiction extend to the busstop? Maybe they can send a note home informing his numbnut parents that their child's behavior is unacceptable. I don't want to spend money on court fees, but if that happens again, someone's getting their butt kicked.
BB gun / bushes / pelt that azz


Re: Re: School's problem?

Originally posted by Stang Girl
I think the school can do something since it is at a bus stop.?

Well, the person on the phone didn't seem to think that the school can do anything. It's before he's at school, before he's on the bus, so the only thing I can do is talk to the parents.

When I mentioned that doing such a thing will probably end up with assault charges being filed, I got the apathetic "Well, I don't know what else to tell you" line.

DAMN it pisses me off when people say that.

The Asst. Principal is calling me later. And if they don't, then I'm going to follow Ken's advice.


Re: Re: Re: School's problem?

Originally posted by Toxick
Well, the person on the phone didn't seem to think that the school can do anything. It's before he's at school, before he's on the bus, so the only thing I can do is talk to the parents.
Hate to say I told you so.... Use the eyeball line - problem will disappear. :wink:


P.S. The States Attorney will send you over to Juvenile Services in the Carter building. You have to be a lunatic to get action over in that office too. Don't be afraid to go banannas...... The powers that be respect that! :biggrin:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: School's problem?

Originally posted by Toxick
What makes you think I didn't say anything?

It didn't faze him in the least - and short of cracking his ass, which he is in desperate need of, there wasn't much else I could do.

Glad you said something. :yay:

I've been reading some of the replies, since the school can't or won't touch this maybe you can talk to the other parents of the children who wait there also. Chances are this kid has done something in the past to one of their little ones and are willing to go to the troublemaker's parents with you. It's worth a try. I know I'd be pizzed if some kid threw my kids bookbag in a puddle before school.


Wouldn't the action of taking the bags and throwing them in a puddle be considered assualt and destruction of property? I mean, did the kids put up a fuss and get pushed around by this kid?

I would have just had all the kids stand behind me and made that little kid come thru me to get at the rest of them.


Originally posted by alex
Wouldn't the action of taking the bags and throwing them in a puddle be considered assualt and destruction of property? I mean, did the kids put up a fuss and get pushed around by this kid?

No - it was a sneak attack. The kids only 5. It's not like he's a big bully shoving around the other kids. He's a little dweeb with an attitude problem.

Originally posted by alex
I would have just had all the kids stand behind me and made that little kid come thru me to get at the rest of them.

Well, at the time I was talking to my own kid, telling him to stop cussing, because after about the 20th F-bomb, my boy started repeating it.

Anyway the update here is: the principal is getting involved. So I'm going to hang back for the moment, and see how she handles it, and if the problem goes away. I told her that she could use my name if she wished - I don't care to remain anonymous, and I fully believe in confronting the accuser, should they wish to do so. I have some things I'd like to say to them.

Either way, I still have a feeling that I'm going to end up having a most unpleasant conversation with this kid's parents before it's all said and done.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick
Anyway the update here is: the principal is getting involved.
:clap: I'm sure it will turn out okay. The kid will goof up again, get booted from the bus or suspended from school. He'll be in trouble with the law by the time he's 13, go off to juvie and you'll never see him again. :yay:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
:clap: I'm sure it will turn out okay. The kid will goof up again, get booted from the bus or suspended from school. He'll be in trouble with the law by the time he's 13, go off to juvie and you'll never see him again. :yay:

I'm sure he will. I've heard other neighborhood parents mention some things about him.

Nothing good.



Just in case anyone was wondering: It is quite apparent that a major attitude adjustment has been administered within the last 24 hours upon the offending party.

I have a feeling that this will no longer be a problem.


Originally posted by jazz lady
So when are visiting hours? :confused:


Actually, he didn't appear injured.

But there was an incredible 180 degree change in demeanor, and muted and repeated muttering, "I'm going to be good today".


Originally posted by Toxick

Actually, he didn't appear injured.

But there was an incredible 180 degree change in demeanor, and muted and repeated muttering, "I'm going to be good today".
If I remember right, this is usually the result of good azz blistering.


Originally posted by tatgirl99
Awesome, I'm glad to hear this.

Did you talk to his parents or just go ahead and kick his butt?? :crazy:

Well, he's five, so me kicking his butt would have done nothing but put me in jail, and rightfully so.

I didn't talk to his parents, because I would have gotten into a fistfight with his father, and I'd end up in jail for assault. Not so rightfully so.

As it turns out, after a few pretty intense outbursts last week, three or four other parents (that I know of) called the school to complain - furthermore after an outburst on the bus itself, the bus driver stepped in. So, when I called back to re-register my complaint and check for a progress update, the vice principal told me that she was doing something, but it was against protocol (or perhaps against the law) to tell me exactly what she was doing to rectify this.

I told her I didn't care, as long as something was being done, and the result was a safe busstop.

And it worked.

Another incident free morning today.