Schools - yet?


Well-Known Member
One of the theories is a MMR booster shot increases resistance to COVID 19, do these other countries do MMR boosters?

It will be interesting to see if antivaxxers have it any worse.


Well-Known Member
Don't think it matters, every other country is having a huge upswing in cases, not just the US, and it's in the under 30 age groups.
The thought is the MMR booster makes the case less severe, the Teddy Roosevelt had mostly mild cases and the thought is because the Navy requires MMR boosters for sailors.

If we can make the disease less severe with MMR booster shots the disease becomes a nonfactor.


PREMO Member
Asking teachers to risk their lives when we already know cases will spike in the fall is insane.

Teachers' Unions Take to the Streets While Insisting It's Not Safe to Return to School

In fact, there is not a single documented case of a child infecting an adult in an educational or daycare setting globally. This fact was clearly demonstrated by genetic testing in Iceland months ago. Using a much more specific method than contact tracing by genetically mapping the virus, they could not find a single case of transmission from a child to an adult.

This weekend the CDC reiterated guidance initially published on July 23. There are significant risks, beyond those related to the virus, that demand the vast majority of our children return to in-person instruction:

Scientific studies suggest that COVID-19 transmission among children in schools may be low. International studies that have assessed how readily COVID-19 spreads in schools also reveal low rates of transmission when community transmission is low. Based on current data, the rate of infection among younger school children, and from students to teachers, has been low, especially if proper precautions are followed. There have also been few reports of children being the primary source of COVID-19 transmission among family members.[6],[7],[8] This is consistent with data from both virus and antibody testing, suggesting that children are not the primary drivers of COVID-19 spread in schools or in the community.[9],[10],[11] No studies are conclusive, but the available evidence provides reason to believe that in-person schooling is in the best interest of students, particularly in the context of appropriate mitigation measures similar to those implemented at essential workplaces.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
One of the theories is a MMR booster shot increases resistance to COVID 19, do these other countries do MMR boosters?

It will be interesting to see if antivaxxers have it any worse.

Another one I read was that COVID enters your system via ACE2 receptors - and small children haven't developed many of them yet.
Hence, it can't get in. Hence, it doesn't attach and children are highly unlikely to become spreaders.


Not too talkative
St. Mary's County Public School Technology Surveys:

The school system is requesting all families to complete a technology survey, so the county can determine the schools systems needs and capabilities.
