Science pinpoints exact time women are ugliest

Women look oldest at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon, study shows

Ladies, if you're looking in the mirror right now, thinking, "Gee, I look old," don't worry. It could be worse. It could be Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., which researchers have pinpointed as the precise moment during the week women look oldest.

This is crap... I look way worse when I first wake up in the morning. :coffee:



Soul Probe
Question...why are they showing that chick lying in bed at 3:30 in the afternoon? Heck, if I could lay in bed all day I wouldn't look tired. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Did they do a study on what time of day men look the worst? I'd have to say hubby doesnt look to damn good in the morning, but, there are times at night he looks absolutley hideous.