Scientists Predict When World Will End


Well-Known Member
The 21st of December 2012 is a Friday, ftw.

I'll be :otter: that day.

i'll never understand that :lol:

What if something requires your utmost attention on that day or you WILL perish, and here you are, stoned/drunk out of your mind :lmao:

I mean, sure, at least you would enjoy your last moments on earth...but what if they don't HAVE to be your last moments?

somethin to think about :yay:
And, I thought the world was going to end on Dec. 23, 2012.

Correction... the world as we know it will end on Dec 21, 2012. The is when it's predicted the planets will all be in alignment with the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the resulting gravitational changes throughout the solar system will be catastrophic to more than just planet Earth. That is also when our poles are supposed to reverse. :cofee:


New Member

It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc.

This grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the 'read-point' of the Pleiades star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based upon, can no longer be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlier predictable movements.
Scientists Now Know: We're Not From Here!

Hey leftists, put that in your pipe and smoke it. :cool: