Scott McClelland Resigns


Lem Putt
Terps said:
WEll, I guess the White House Press Secretary had just about all he could take?! Tough job but i am sure he will love being back in the private sector,2933,192260,00.html
:yay: He was worthless. Whenever the press came up with a queston, he got a deer in the headlights look and stammered around. They need someone confident and forceful.

The Cheney shooting was the last straw for me. He looked like an idiot, and that's the last thing this White House needs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You might have it made...

Vince said:
Now if we just get old Rummy (Rumsfeld) to resign we'd have it made. :clap:

...but it would be a loss to the nation. He is an outstanding secretary of defense IMO;

1. He sees to his boss' wishs (the old civilian controled military thing)

2. He rubs some people the wrong way which tells me he isn't spending much time trying to make everyone happy in a job that has NOTHING to do with making everyone happy nor worrying about those who bruise easily.

3. He does not genuflect before the God Media. When they ask stupid questions, he lets it make THEM uncomfortable, not him.

In short, he is a leader and leaders, who are by nature out in front, quite often take a few in the back in the form of friendly fire, as he is now.

Take exception with the policies and/or mistakes as you see them. Make your case. Personally, when 4th ID was barred from entry through Turkey in the opening phases of Iraqi Freedom, I'd have postponed the whole thing. THAT is the root of all the difficulties in Iraq. Wasn't his call.

The man, along with Cheney, are two of the finer leaders of our time.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...but it would be a loss to the nation. He is an outstanding secretary of defense IMO;

1. He sees to his boss' wishs (the old civilian controled military thing)

2. He rubs some people the wrong way which tells me he isn't spending much time trying to make everyone happy in a job that has NOTHING to do with making everyone happy nor worrying about those who bruise easily.

3. He does not genuflect before the God Media. When they ask stupid questions, he lets it make THEM uncomfortable, not him.

In short, he is a leader and leaders, who are by nature out in front, quite often take a few in the back in the form of friendly fire, as he is now.

Take exception with the policies and/or mistakes as you see them. Make your case. Personally, when 4th ID was barred from entry through Turkey in the opening phases of Iraqi Freedom, I'd have postponed the whole thing. THAT is the root of all the difficulties in Iraq. Wasn't his call.

The man, along with Cheney, are two of the finer leaders of our time.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...we ain't agreed on 'nuttin for weeks!
:lmao: Yes we did. We agreed to be friends. :biggrin:

Rummy makes lots of people mad including some of the generals, because he doesn't care whose toes he steps on. I'd like to be a fly on the wall for the discussions between Pres. Bush and him. I bet they are sometimes heated; he does not strike me as being anyone's "yes man". He probably states and argues his case. Bush may see it Rummy's way or Bush may insist he wants it done his way. At that point, Rummy is on board; gives a hearty "Aye, aye, sir." and carries out his orders.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I feel sorry for any White House Press Secretary. Can you imagine the pressure these guys are under? What a job. :dead: That's why none of them last more than a few years.


They should start making a video montage for everyone that leaves the Bush Administration, with the "Had a Bad Day" Elimination Theme Song, like they do for American Idol contestants that get voted off.

Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Larry Gude

Strung Out

ylexot said:
Let's make Rummy the White House Press Secretary :killingme

...I'd watch re-runs!


"Don, aren't you just lying through your teeth to cover the Presidents azz on this one?"

"First off, punk, it's MR. Rumsfeld and secondly, head or gut?"


Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
...I'd watch re-runs!


"Don, aren't you just lying through your teeth to cover the Presidents azz on this one?"

"First off, punk, it's MR. Rumsfeld and secondly, head or gut?"
I was thinking that it would make a nice set of DVDs :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I was thinking that it would make a nice set of DVDs
I would tune in every single day.

Rumsfeld is the only public figure I've ever seen that can say "GFY" without ever uttering a profanity.


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
I would tune in every single day.

Rumsfeld is the only public figure I've ever seen that can say "GFY" without ever uttering a profanity.

We have a couple guys like that at work. They can sound perfectly pleasant but the meaning is clear... :lmao: