SCUBA Diving in the area?


New Member
Anyone know where I can go for fair diving in the area? I know about Lake Rawling, VA but anything else that is with in 4hrs? OC?


24/7 Single Dad
WHere did you move from? I moved here from Hawaii. Had a beach house on the North Shore and would be in the water just about every day. Nothing like going out in the backyard and grabbing a couple of lobsters for dinner. Haven't done much diving since I moved here.

There isn't a lot of good scenic diving in the bay. There are a couple of wrecks to hit, but it's mostly black water around here.

However, there is interesting diving around Calvert Cliffs. You can hang out forever with your tanks sticking out of the water, but it's kinda worth it if you find a 6 inch shark's tooth or porpoise skull or something.

Lemme know what you dig up. I'll go wit ya!



24/7 Single Dad
justin anemone said:
There isn't a lot of good scenic diving in the bay.
Actually, if you want to do the cold water dry suit route, the winter diving in the bay is pretty good. The water is quite clear when the plankton isn't growing.


New Member
There used to be an instructor with the last name of Poe in the area (first name was Tom??). I think he taught at the community college and took local and long distance dive trips.

Not sure if he is still active in the sport or not but he would be a good source. I never heard any negative about his trips or teaching.


New Member
aps45819 said:
WHere did you move from? I moved here from Hawaii. Had a beach house on the North Shore and would be in the water just about every day. Nothing like going out in the backyard and grabbing a couple of lobsters for dinner. Haven't done much diving since I moved here.

Let me see.....Joined the navy in Florida, where I grew up. Stationed in Washington state, then central California, then Japan. While stationed in Japan we got deployed often to Guam so I got qualified there. Did some diving in Japan, Guam, Botany Bay near Sydney, Malaysia, Thailand, and more recently in FLA.


Asperger's Poster Child
I don't know much about scuba, but I do know that there's an old German U-boat in a diving preserve off Piney Point.


New Member
Tonio said:
I don't know much about scuba, but I do know that there's an old German U-boat in a diving preserve off Piney Point.

Unfortunately the water there is pretty murky and it's supposed to be a difficult dive.


New Member
My wife used to give me a bit of a hard time for having my equipment serviced annually whether I used it or not. This year when I did the same thing they found a small hole in my Dragonfly AT BCD. The dive shop sent the item to Mares since they could not fix it. Mares didn't want to fix it, and it was still under warranty since I had it serviced every year they sent me a brand new Vector 1000 AT. :biggrin: She isn't complaining anymore.


New Member
I think I will go diving sometime late June to early July in Ocean city, Lake Rawling or Virginia Beach. Anyone interested?


New Member
If you can and this may sound stupid but hit the quarries out in Harford county.You would not beleave the stuff you find down there if you dont mind going deep.Your gonna need some good lighting but its a treasure trove.Like I said some go real deep and uh they just about all are on private property but a couple bucks may get you a permission slip :)


I have been to Lake Rawlings. Weekends are pretty busy with all the divers there getting certified. The water gets pretty churned up. During the week the water is crystal clear.

I prefer to go down to North Carolina and dive the wrecks. The water is SO warm because of the Gulf Stream. One of the time I went there were barracuda all around us. They weren't nasty just curious. One of the other times we went there were tiger sharks all around the wreck. The momma's had babies, SO I kept my distance.


There is another rock quarry in Bainbridge, Pa with all types of diving from shallow to deep water is nice and clear. There is a bus down there and a small plane and some boats there is also camping and a dive store, and air station. Nice palce to go for a weekend. Its near York, Pa I think about 4 hours or so away.


New Member
Katie said:
One of the other times we went there were tiger sharks all around the wreck. The momma's had babies, SO I kept my distance.

Tiger or Sand Tiger? I've dived with dozens of them in Botany Bay, Australia. Tiger sharks on the other hand I think are bit more aggresive and complete different creatures. If I remember correctly the Outer Banks have Sand Tigers.