SEAL from bin Laden raid writes book


Lawful neutral
SEAL writes firsthand account of bin Laden raid

A Navy SEAL involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden has written a detailed account of the May 2011 mission, which is still classified, the book's publisher says.

The book, No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama bin Laden, will be released Sept. 11, according to a statement released today by Dutton, a Penguin imprint. The author -- who uses the pseudonym Mark Owen -- "was one of the first men through the door on the third floor of the terrorist leader's hideout and was present at his death," the New York publisher said, according to The Washington Post.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Fox News Outs Navy SEAL Author

Link to original article.

"The cover of No Easy Day: The Autobiography of a Navy SEAL may say it was penned by Mark Owen, but Fox News is revealing that the insider account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden is actually 36-year-old former Navy SEAL Team 6 member Matt Bissonnette. The Alaska native could also be opening himself up to legal trouble by publishing the book, Fox News says, as the Pentagon did not vet it to ensure that unwanted classified information was not released. A Navy spokesman says any former service member who reveals national security secrets “could be subject to prosecution.”

Read it at Fox News.


Lem Putt
A Navy spokesman says any former service member who reveals national security secrets “could be subject to prosecution.”

That would be awesome! I hope they do it before the election!

Wouldn't that be a great campaign ad? "I directed the killing of Bin Laden, and I directed AG Holder to prosecute one of the guys that shot him!"

He'd be a shoo-in.


Ubi bene ibi patria
I liked this from the Fox article:

"A spokesman at Dutton, a division of Penguin Group, said proceeds from the book will be donated to charitable causes that benefit the families of fallen Navy SEALs."


No Use for Donk Twits
Not to let the cat out of the bag, but the last page says Obama got him.:howdy:

Obama was in full camo. Mom jeans and styrofoam mushroom helmet. Kinda reminds me of this other metrosexual who ran for office.


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