SEAL who killed bin Laden left in poverty


Active Member
as i sit here and read all the different news feed I am willing to bet that he is a poser. For those who served, they know what poser means. For those who did not, it means imposter. Nobody serves 16 years and not have a clue about what they lose by not staying until 20. i think all the news feeds got had by a poser.


New Member
Being a skilled operator on the battlefield doesn't mean you can translate that into paperwork in a desk job. He may not be the instructor or analyst type. Plus, for the safety of his family, could he even tell a prospective employer who he is?

I heard a radio host saying he'd be valuable just to have around to wow people in meetings. I see a couple of problems with that. What if he has no speaking skills and sounds like a moron? He might be a redneck country boy who just doesn't belong in the board room. And what good would it be to have him around to impress people if he is not allowed to share any of the information?

Dyncorp or Blackwolf would hire him in a New York second, but he'd have to be an actual person and not the fantasy of a liberal reporter with an agenda.


I bowl overhand
as i sit here and read all the different news feed I am willing to bet that he is a poser. For those who served, they know what poser means. For those who did not, it means imposter. Nobody serves 16 years and not have a clue about what they lose by not staying until 20. i think all the news feeds got had by a poser.

This is true..

BUT you also have to know a currently serving soldier can not make money from his actions while still in uniform.

I'm taking it as somebody (like an agent) convinced him to strike while the iron is hot. There's a LOT of money to be made out there with his notoriety but he had to leave the service first.

He left the service, and no money to be made, no get rich quick schemes for the Osama killer..

Now he regrets the decision, but what can you do?? You just can't go to the recruiters office and tell them you want back in (he probably couldn't pass the physical at this point anyways)..

Basically 16 years down the toilet, and no marketable skills.

He does, however, have an AWESOME GI Bill that he could choose to take advantage of. Tuition PLUS housing..


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
It actually might land him a job though and maybe that's what he was going for, stir up some sympathy, squeaky wheel etc. .....

Yeah, one of the guys murdered in Benghazi was former Special Forces guy.
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