season 6 episode 1 AI


New Member
so who was your favorite "auditioner" last night on american idol... mine was probably a tie between the fat chick that was the #1 all time biggest fan of american idol... the lion for the wizard of oz... or the triple threat guy with the juggling dancing and singing.... i definitely think they should have won.....

NOT :lmao:

other opinions?


ashliekay711 said:
so who was your favorite "auditioner" last night on american idol... mine was probably a tie between the fat chick that was the #1 all time biggest fan of american idol... the lion for the wizard of oz... or the triple threat guy with the juggling dancing and singing.... i definitely think they should have won.....

NOT :lmao:

other opinions?

who cares...that show is stupid


Well-Known Member
Actually, my favorite was the girl who couldn't sing until they brought her boss into the room. That young lady had a SERIOUS "jones" for that fat old white man! It was hilarious!!!


New Member
donbarzini said:
Actually, my favorite was the girl who couldn't sing until they brought her boss into the room. That young lady had a SERIOUS "jones" for that fat old white man! It was hilarious!!!

haha, yeah that was sorta strange, i mean seriously what boss and his wife would bring you and your sister to a different state for a wedding just so you could audition for AI knowing theres a possiblity you won't make it, hell are you taking her to the wedding too? if not thats one hell of a waste of money you know?


I wish they would go on with the BS audition stuff and start the actual American Idol... I Think he Chris Daughty cd is pretty darn good !


All Up In Your Grill
I was talking to someone earlier this morning and we were discussing former "AI freakshows". Do you remember a couple seasons ago, there was a freak named Mary...she kinda reminded me of the one who said she and AI were BFF...she had on khaki pants and had the most heinous cameltoe I've ever seen...I remember everyone talking about that for weeks! :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
I think I remember that one. Simon REALLY looked like he wanted to :barf:

And Randy's mouth dropped and didn't close till she left.


It was so entertaining I fell asleep.

Is it on again tonight?


All Up In Your Grill
donbarzini said:
I think I remember that one. Simon REALLY looked like he wanted to :barf:

And Randy's mouth dropped and didn't close till she left.

And the sadistic camera operators kept the camera far enough back so that the mooseknuck was always in view. Where's a close up when you need it? But then again, she was :barf: :lmao:
nachomama said:
you remember a couple seasons ago, there was a freak named Mary...she kinda reminded me of the one who said she and AI were BFF...she had on khaki pants and had the most heinous cameltoe I've ever seen...I remember everyone talking about that for weeks! :roflmao:
That would be Mary... Mary Roach... she posted here before on occasion.

John Z

if you will
kwillia said:
You should ask her... she's here now.

Really? That is too funny (if true). The stage name was something (forget the first name) Devereux.

When asked how she did, she responded "Not too shabby". Great moment in AI history. :lmao: